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The world looks on in horror at Hamas' grievous attack upon Israel. Our hearts ache as we witness innocents slaughtered by the hundreds—just as we did on 9/11 when America was attacked by those with extremist ideologies. How should Christians and Jews view events such as these being playing out in God’s Land for 150 years? God has revealed His irrevocable plans for Israel through His Holy Word. Read more...

"Divine Guidance of the Bible Path" — The historic journey of God's written Word reads like a mystery novel, complete with political intrigue, brave heroes, hush money, treachery and murder. Satan has used every conceivable means to destroy it, but the Bible has survived! It should be regarded as a priceless treasure — written by holy men of old who were moved by inspiration of God.

>>VIEW PAST ISSUES: A Biblical Perspective on Current Events.

This fascinating Chart is like a road map of the entire plan of God found in His Word. Explore with greater understanding prophetic times, events and Bible characters as these progress throughout history. Each feature on this Chart provides a clickable link to corresponding explanations.

God said: "Come let us reason together." (Isaiah 1:18) Receive personalized, detailed and Scriptural answers from our most qualified teachers. We will do our best to help you as you search His truth for answers. Discover the harmony of the Bible and fortify your faith.

Learn the most effective study methods used by Bible scholars: study by context, exhaustive topical search, Bible symbolism, Old Testament type and antitype fulfillment, and study by time frame. Examine the Scriptures with a fresh, unbiased perspective. This booklet is available in both English and Spanish. Read or Download the Booklet FREE!