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Summer 2024: Issue Number 109

Divine Guidance

of the Bible Path

The historic journey of God's written Word reads like a mystery novel, complete with political intrigue, brave heroes, hush money, treachery and murder. Satan has used every conceivable means to destroy it, but the Bible has survived! To the sincere Christian, the Bible is not just a compilation of wise proverbs and fascinating stories, but a priceless treasure — the words and thoughts of the Divine Creator Himself. Both the Old and New Testaments have been provided by inspiration, and written by holy men of old who were moved by the spirit of God. Christians should not only reverence the words of this incredible book, but should also appreciate the divinely directed journey that it took to arrive at this end time destination.

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The End Times Bible Report Quarterly is a helpful topical guide which brings understanding to current events and issues in the light of Bible teaching.

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