Galatia was the name of a district or state in which were located a number
of cities and churches mentioned in the account of Paul's missionary
tours--Iconium, Lystra, Derbe, and Antioch on the borders of Galatia, in
the state of Pisidia. R3009:1
The Apostle Paul's epistle to the Galatians was written expressly to
counteract the influence of the Judaizing teachers who mingled with the
believers of Galatia and endeavored to subvert the true faith in Christ by
pointing them away from the cross of Christ, to a hope of acceptance with
God by keeping the Law of Moses in connection with faith in Christ.
R1728:2, 972:6 the inference that faith in Christ was only
efficacious for salvation when supplemented by the keeping of the Law.
The Apostle was writing to Christians at Galatia, some who had been
heathens. They had originally received the correct idea. But their early
trust in Christ's redemptive work had been disturbed by some Christianized
Jews, who, while calling themselves Christians, were denying the very
foundation fact of Christianity, viz., that Jesus' death canceled the sins
of all who accepted of him as their Redeemer and Saviour. R687:3,4 To
re-establish confidence in the gospel message he had delivered, it was
needful that he should rehearse to them something of his history. In doing
so, it was necessary to refer again to the false brethren who claimed to
be of the same body and who yet, in opposition to the truth, brought again
upon God's children the bondage of errors already escaped from. R3820:6,
Many of them, Gentiles by birth, had been misled into believing that
whatever blessings they might enjoy through Christ and the original
Abrahamic Covenant, they must also become amenable to the Law Covenant.
Note that the Apostle's letter to the Galatians is almost exclusively
devoted to this subject, and remember that the Galatians were not Hebrews,
or at least, the majority of them were not. R4510:3
Like all the early Christian churches, those of Galatia were no doubt
composed in good proportion of Hebrews of various tribes. R1696:2
An apostle -- Am an apostle. R551:1
Paul was as much an apostle chosen of the Lord as were the other eleven.
A special office or function which is of divine appointment solely.
Q521:2; R5940:4
To re-establish confidence in the Gospel message Paul had delivered, it
was needful that he should rehearse to the Galatians something of his
history. R3820:6
Neither by man -- Neither by man's appointment. R551:1
No man or congregation is competent to appoint or elect an Apostle.Q521:2;
The Church or Rome, the Church of England, and the Greek Church do
violence to the principles of God's Word in that they claim to make
apostolic bishops. Q521:2; R5940:4
By Jesus Christ, and God -- "I am ordained a preacher and an apostle."
(1 Tim. 2:7) F276
While assuring us that his authorization or ordination was from God only,
he nevertheless went forth to his ministry with Barnabas under the
auspices of the Church at Antioch. R1720:2
The Antioch Church did not ordain the Apostle Paul to be an Apostle, but
ordained him to be their missionary. Q521:3; R5940:4
Respecting his call, Paul ignores any "third person." E275; R372:6
The Father -- There is but one Eternal God and Father--who is "from
everlasting to everlasting." (Psa. 90:2) R369:6
Who raised him -- The Scriptures nowhere intimate that our Lord Jesus
did or could raise himself from the dead. R2795:2
For our sins -- The forgiveness of sins. R687:4
Deliver us -- Redemption from the curse of sin. R687:4
The mystery of God's will was to be fully appreciated by his saints during
this evil day. They were to expect deliverance from evil both for
themselves and the world. R1273:2
Present evil world -- Epoch. R5161:2, 3209:1
Dispensation. R2724:4
So called, not because there has been nothing meritorious during its
forty-four hundred years, but because God has permitted evil to dominate
the earth during the period. OV26:3; HG538:1
The second great epoch, from the flood to the establishment of the Kingdom
of God is under the limited control of Satan. A67; R1615:4; HG537:6
The present epoch of disaster and trouble, since the Deluge; Satan being
the prince of this world. (John 12:31; 14:30) R1684:1, 2724:4; HG538:1
From the flood; to the second coming of Christ and the full company of the
Church of the first-born is complete. OV26:4; R256:5
Comprising the Patriarchal age, the Jewish age, and the Gospel age.
OV27:4; A71; R256:5; HG539:4
Each of the three steps is higher than that preceding it, and carries the
Plan forward and nearer to completion. A71; HG539:4
The present Gospel age, which is to end with the establishment of the
kingdom, is the particular and all-important age. Neither the Patriarchal
or Jewish ages brought any fruitage to full perfection. OV28:1; A72
The way of righteousness is narrow at the present time because this Gospel
age is part of "this present evil world," or dispensation, during which
Satan is the prince or ruler. NS17:6
The second "world", under the rule of Satan, has been indeed an evil
world. A67; HG538:1
We are still living in this epoch because Satan is the god of this world.
The power of Satan and the corrupting spiritual influences which he has
been able to manipulate have hindered the blessing of mankind,
notwithstanding God's favor given to natural and spiritual Israel. OV27:3
The epoch during which sin and ignorance and superstition prevail as
darkness over the earth and as gross darkness covering the people. (Isa.
60:2) SM769:2
"The heavens and earth which are now." (2 Pet. 3:7) A67; R256:5; HG538:1
The period in which evil prevails and righteousness is at a discount, in
which "the prince of this world" works and rules in the hearts of the
children of disobedience. NS70:6; R3209:1
God has permitted evil to dominate the earth. OV26:4; A67
To be overwhelmed by the coming social, financial and religious trouble.
Those in power, the wealthy and politicians, the financiers, princes of
industry, and the kings upon the thrones will do their best to maintain
this present evil world because it is to their advantage. R5567:4
The "Day of his preparation" (Nahum 2:3) and "the Time of the End" close
this epoch, and introduce the "world to come, in which dwelleth
righteousness." (2 Pet. 3:13) HG416:3
The present order must give place to the "world to come." R1814:1
God and our Father -- God required and accepted the death of Christ as
man's ransom sacrifice. E450
So soon -- When the gospel of the Kingdom had been so clearly set before
them. R1657:3
Removed -- That they should turn from justification through the
sacrifice of Jesus, and attempt to justify themselves by following his
example and keeping the Law. R687:6
Become entangled in the error of the Judaizing teachers that faith in
Christ was only efficacious for salvation when supplemented by keeping the
Law. R1657:3
From him -- From Paul. R551:1
Grace of Christ -- The true gospel was that of grace or favor through
Christ, not works. R687:5
Salvation as a gift, a favor of God through Christ. A "free gift"
purchased for you with his own precious blood. R687:5
Another gospel -- Confessing that Jesus was a notable and worthy
example, but that salvation was by good works and observance of the Law.
R687:5, 1728:2, 687:6
A hopeless substitute--that Christ would save them if they kept the Law.
R1734:6, 975:1, 972:6
Departing from a recognition of God's grace in Christ as our only hope for
eternal life, and taking instead a hope of being able to walk righteously
and do justly, and thus to merit eternal life. R2285:4
The ignorance of God's Word and plan and the present confusion of the
nominal churches paves the way for the great falling away from the cross
of Christ. R5801:4, 1643:6
Theosophy, Evolution, New Theology, Christian Science, Universalism, etc.
R5137:2, 5801:1, 5800:6, 1643:6
Is not another -- For there can be but one. R1728:3
Is not really another gospel; it was simply the Jewish Law of salvation by
merit and obedience, supplemented by the name and example of Jesus. R687:5
There was nothing in the Law which could give them life. R687:6
There be some -- False teachers. R868:5
Those teachers who were attempting removal to another gospel were making
Paul the center of their attack upon the true glad tidings. R652:1
Would pervert -- Turn. R687:5
Teach false doctrines. R868:5
This epistle shows us how many, Gentile's by birth, had been misled into
believing whatever blessings they might enjoy through Christ and the
original Abrahamic Covenant, they must also become amenable to the Law
Covenant. R4510:2
Satan has ever sought to counteract the force of truth by counterfeiting
it; as with Spiritism and Papacy. R760:1
Mind-curers and Christian Scientists. R894:2
Gospel of Christ -- The foundation doctrine is that Jesus died to secure
the redemption price for Adam and his race. R5916:4, 975:1, 728:2, 753:2,
496:1, 425:3
Paul was fearful that subservience to the Law Covenant might lead them to
reject the true Gospel, that Christ gave himself for our sins. R1734:6,
Though we -- Paul and his associates. R551:1
The truth, divinely inspired and first announced by the Lord's chosen
agents, the apostles, even they themselves, had they fallen away, could
not nullify. R1524:4
So positive and definite should be our spiritual individuality that,
should the one whose spiritual life first nourished ours fall away, we
would still live being able to appropriate for ourselves the spirit of
truth. R3250:6
Or an angel -- That would be proof that such angel had deflected from
loyalty to the Lord. R5916:4
Those representing themselves as messengers of truth, wresting the
Scriptures and perverting them to establish another gospel. R1025:1*
We are to receive nothing without evidence. R85:5*
Preach any other gospel -- Present any other foundation for faith.
R652:1, 3186:6
The Apostle lays special emphasis upon the fundamental importance of
correct doctrinal teaching. R5916:4
In the Apostle's estimation, doctrinal disorders are among the chief.
We are not to expect an additional revelation of any kind. God's people
are not to trust either in their own speculations and mental gymnastics,
or in visions and dreams. OV396:1
Theosophy, Evolution, Higher Critics, Christian Science. R5137:2, 5970:3,
Let the soldiers of the cross be valiant for the truth, and let them
negotiate no union with any class save the consecrated and faithful
followers of the Lamb. D242; R1592:6
"If any man teach otherwise withdraw thyself." (1 Tim. 6:3) Do not lend
support to that which is another Gospel than the one you have received.
Papal comment on this text is, "Catholics should not spare their own
parents, if heretics." B320
Any other gospel -- Than that of which Christ crucified is the
foundation stone, and Christ glorified, the hope of restitution, the
crowning feature. R1205:3, 1482:5*
Be accursed -- For he should know better in view of all the divine
testimony herein furnished. R1205:3
We have not much liberty or choice in our attitude toward those who deny
the foundation of our faith. R1453:5
"Receive him not into your home, neither bid him God speed. He that
biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds." (2 John 10, 11)
(Also see 2 Tim. 3:5; Titus 3:10) R1453:5
Have nothing whatever to do with such. R1482:5*
Those who pervert the true gospel are no longer to be affectionately loved
as God's children but are to be pitied. R1255:4
For do I now -- In 1:10-24, and 2:1-10, Paul reproduces the evidences of
his apostleship and sets forth the strong foundation of the hope of the
gospel. R1657:3
I certify you -- I certify unto you. R1419:3; HG311:6
Let me say further. R551:1
Paul's writings are toned not only with meekness, but also with that
authority which should mark one who knows what he teaches to be the truth.
R1419:3; HG311:6
Not after man -- Human weaknesses were not permitted to mar the
Apostle's work or usefulness. R1526:3; F224
By the revelation -- The visions which make Paul's writings of
unspeakable value. F215
The Lord more than made up to Paul what he lacked, to make him a competent
and reliable witness to us. R1523:1
Paul saw more literally the things subsequently revealed in symbols to
John at Patmos. R4518:5
Paul being in visions and revelations of the Lord more abundant than they
all. (2 Cor. 12:2-4) R365:1
It was because the Apostle Paul had visions and revelations that he was
enabled to appreciate the divine character and plan so clearly, and was
qualified to state them in his teachings and epistles. F215
He was a prophet as well as an Apostle. R1719:6
The apostles writings were especially supervised by the Lord and their
doctrinal utterances inspired. SM672:3; R1719:6, 1526:3, 435:2; OV412:1
Of Jesus Christ -- "With the holy Spirit sent down from heaven." (1 Pet.
1:12) F224; R1526:3
Ye have heard of my conversation in time past -- You heard of me in
times past. R551:1
I persecuted -- Paul labored the more diligently to testify to his
appreciation of the grace bestowed, and to be long suffering with others
as God had been with him. R1885:4
Exceedingly zealous -- How zealous I was for the tradition of my
fathers. R551:1
Traditions -- The teachings of the Scriptures and Paul's own
instructions, which he had presented to those that he was addressing.
There are true traditions, and false traditions. All of those which are in
harmony with the teachings of the divine Word are true. Q747:2
It pleased God -- An illustration of God's election; for special
services in the present life, and the shaping of their course in view of
that purpose. R1651:1
Who separated me -- To be a special servant. F209
God chose and prepared Paul for this service in early life. R1457:5 1565:3
This does not involve the thought of divine interference with the free
will. Paul went into blind error, persecuting the Church. R2562:3, 4724:3
From my mother's womb -- Who from my birth called me. R551:1
Paul was endowed from his birth, and was zealous toward God long before
his conversion. R1671:6, 1651:1, 551:1
The Lord had his own choice for the one who would take the place of Judas,
and this one had already been undergoing special training and discipline.
R2823:2, 162:5; F209
Evidently divine providence had arranged that he should be born under
certain conditions which tended to make him just such a vessel for the
gospel as he now was. R4356:3, 5002:6
Such special preparation and supervision was no doubt applicable to all of
the twelve, even as also with John the Baptist in his work. R5002:6, 1671:6
An illustration of the importance of prenatal influence. R1671:3
It has at times appeared as though divine providence occasionally
interposed in prenatal influences which made the child very different in
bent of mind from either of its parents. R4724:2
Immediately -- Prompt obedience is specially pleasing to the Lord.
I conferred not -- But went forth at once to preach the faith which once
I persecuted. (Verse 23) R551:1
Neither went I -- Paul is proving that he received his commission and
authority direct from the Lord and not from them who were apostles before.
Apostles -- The twelve apostles (Paul taking the place of Judas) filled
the office of prophets, as well as being under the guidance and
supervision of the Lord with reference to future things. R1148:4
I went into Arabia -- If Paul had stayed in Arabia all the rest of his
life merely studying and nursing his sore eyes, doubtless he would have
been of the Great Company class. Q697:4
We do not know how much studying he did in Arabia, nor do we see that he
did much sacrificing during those years. Q697:5
The fact that one might be in an inert condition for a while does not mean
that God had rejected him from the Holy condition. The decision of the
Lord is at the end of the course. Q698:1
Three years -- Possibly spent in studying out various features of the
divine program. R4357:4
The Lord's brother -- So styled by Jewish custom; supposed to have been
a second cousin. R3003:2
Destroyed -- Persecuted. R551:1
Fourteen years -- After Paul's conversion; at the time mentioned in Acts
15:2. R1472:3, 551:2
Thirteen years after Paul's three years in Arabia (Gals. 1:17, 18)
Barnabas hunted him up and found him at home in Tarsus Cilicia, and got
him started preaching for a year at Antioch. (Acts 11:25-30) Q697:4
Paul made a specialty of his Jewish brethren at least seventeen years
after he was converted. (See Gal. 1:18) R116:6*
To Jerusalem -- A distance of about 300 miles. R1472:3
Long considered the center of the Christian religion, the largest number
and oldest believers and apostles living there. R972:2
With Barnabas -- Barnabas did much to encourage St. Paul and to start
his activities, and once started there was no keeping him back. Q697:4
I went up -- On the occasion mentioned in Acts 15:4; to communicate the
fuller, purer, unmixed gospel. R973:1, 1728:3
By revelation -- The Lord sent me. R551:2
Paul had visions and revelations more abundant than they all. R365:1,
Special revelations from the Lord. R435:2, 1719:6
In visions and revelations the Lord more than made up to Paul what he lacked to make him
a competent and reliable witness to us. R1523:1
See also comments on Gals. 1:12.
Communicated -- Not to learn of them, but to communicate to them. R551:2
Gospel I preach among the Gentiles -- The subject had been left for some
years for gradual development and enlargement of heart and mind on the
part of the believers. R3018:5
The other apostles, fettered in a measure by the Judaizing influences
around them, and not making sufficient progress in the knowledge of the
truth, Paul was sent by the Lord to strengthen and assist them. R551:2
Privately -- Secret conferences explaining the perfect law of
liberty--the will and plan of God regarding the gospel among the Gentiles.
Lest their reputation should hinder them from receiving the truth. R973:1,
Paul did not go about it boastfully. R551:2
An example of Paul's course in first presenting a matter privately to the
more prominent brethren. R3825:3
To them -- Unto the other apostles. A27
Of reputation -- The apostles and chief brethren. R3018:5
Run in vain -- Lest I should fail to have them see the depth and
fullness of the gospel revealed to me. R551:2
But neither Titus -- Because he was not a Jew, but a full-blooded Greek.
F227; R1526:5
False brethren -- To reestablish confidence in the Gospel message, he
had delivered it was necessary for Paul to refer again to false brethren.
Thus the unconverted additions hindered the true seed, as always. R973:1
Their teachings served as siftings to draw off those who were not
Israelites indeed, and who had not received the perfect law of liberty
through Christ. R2206:2
Who claimed to be of the same body and who yet, in opposition to the
truth, brought again upon God's children the bondage of errors already
escaped from. R3820:6
Giving occasion for Paul's writing to counteract these errors, which has
proven a blessing and a great help to the Lord's people for the eighteen
centuries since. R2206:3
Not for an hour -- Paul was ready to go any length in defense of
principle and could not be budged an inch. R2119:2
His steadfast resistance on the subject of circumcision, when some
misconceived the matter. F227; R1526:5
The truth of the gospel -- The strong foundation of the hope of the
gospel--the entire freedom of both Jews and Gentiles from the bondage of
the Law Covenant, and the glorious liberty and peculiar privileges of the
sons of God. R1657:3, 868:5
No man's person -- The Church is sanctified, not because of their own
merit, but because of their relationship to Christ. R69:2
When they saw -- Paul's selection and peculiar course in preaching to
the Gentiles. R551:2
The uncircumcision -- The Gentiles. R1526:4, 1725:6; F226
Was committed unto me -- Paul was preeminently the Apostle to the
Gentiles, and the others more particularly to the Jews. R1523:2
Paul was the pushing pioneer; and his work among the Gentiles of his day
was by no means a light, nor an honorable task, in the estimation of men.
The circumcision -- The Jews. F216, 226; R1526:4, 1523:2
Paul approved of circumcision for the Hebrews to whom it was given as a
symbol and rite before the Law Covenant. R1725:6
Mighty in me -- Paul testified to his worthiness to rank as an equal of
any Apostle. F216; R1657:3
Toward the Gentiles -- Paul has by far the more to say to us through his
numerous epistles, than the other eleven apostles. R1523:2
Seemed to be pillars -- In their day, the eleven were more prominent in
the Church, than Paul. R1523:2
Hannah refers to the establishment of the saints as "pillars" of the new
order of things, "the new heavens and new earth." (1 Sam. 2:8) R1813:2
Perceived the grace -- Recognizing in Paul the spirit of the Master, and
hearing how he had been owned and blessed; and of his devotion, zeal and
self-sacrifice. R551:2
Right hands of fellowship -- Paul was cordially received, though the
apostles had one of their own choosing to fill the place of Judas. R551:2
I withstood him -- Reproved him for dissimulation. R4510:2, 973:1
Paul's righteous indignation was aroused. R551:4, 4510:2
He was ready to go to any length in defense of principles of divine
revelation. R4928:4, 5056:6, 3022:3, 2119:2
This was done in the spirit of love. R439:2
Peter's error was promptly corrected by God through Paul. That Peter quite
overcame this weakness in respect to preference for the Jews is abundantly
witnessed by his two epistles. F225; R1526:3
Evidently the rebuke was received in the spirit of meekness. (See 2 Pet.
3:15) R416:1*, 664:2*
It is evident that the different apostles had different degrees of insight
into God's plan. A26
Among the apostles there were differences, hence we need not be surprised
if such should be the case in this day. R397:2
Was to be blamed -- For acting deceitfully. R551:4
For giving way to the old nature. R416:1*, 664:2*
For vacillation on the question of the Law. R973:1
Peter dissembled--was guilty of double dealing. F224; R1526:3
Paul judged according to God's Word. R416:4*, 3124:4, 664:4*
Paul got clear views earliest on the recognition of Gentiles and had to
oppose others less strong and spiritually clear-sighted. R972:2, 2118:3,
These weaknesses of the flesh are among the sins which may be repented of,
reformed from, and forgiven. (1 John 2:1) R4908:5, 1962:2
Human weaknessees were not permitted to mar the work or usefulness of the
apostles. F224; R1526:3
Separated himself -- Not wishing to offend, he ate with those who still
adhered to their Jewish customs, for under the Law a Jew might not eat
with Gentiles. R551:4
Peter was refusing to eat with Gentile brethren when Jewish brethren were
in the company--through deference to the Law Covenant which somehow all
Jews felt must be recognized and subscribed to. R4510:2
Dissembled -- Guilty of double dealing. F224
Acting in a two-faced manner. R1526:3
Barnabas also -- Peter's example had its effect on Barnabas. R551:4
Carried away -- From the fixed statements of the divine Word--through
the influence of someone held in respect or esteem. R2219:4
Their dissimulation -- They had before been led to see that there is no
difference between Jew and Gentile, but that all are one in Christ Jesus.
I said unto Peter -- Peter's uncertainty was in marked contrast with
Paul's assurance, inspired by the words of the prophets, God's past
dealings and the direct revelations made to himself. A27
Them all -- It was some time after Pentecost before the disciples got a
clear, full understanding of the work being done, and its relation to the
original Covenant. A80
If thou -- Paul exposed Peter's deception. R551:4
Livest after -- Eating with them, etc. R551:4
The Gentiles -- Who were not under the Law Covenant, but under the Grace
Covenant. R4510:3
For them to perform circumcision would indicate that they were seeking for
divine favor by becoming Jews--and not trusting fully to Christ. R2175:5
We who are Jews -- Under the Law. R973:1
Justified -- Made right. E444
By the faith -- On account of faith in Christ. R973:1
Only believers are justified during this Gospel age. R199:3
The obedience of each should be judged, not by his actual works, but by
his intentions and efforts. HG307:3
Of Jesus Christ -- Everywhere throughout the Scriptures the power of
justification on the part of the Redeemer is attributed to his sacrifice
on our behalf. E444
By the faith of Christ -- By faith in Christ. R973:1
Not by -- The Jews were like all other people of the world,
fallen-sinners. NS18:4
Our own works could not justify us, or make us acceptable, before God. E444
Works of the law -- Not by obedience to the Law. R973:1
After trying for 1500 years, Israel was unable to keep the Law. R5774:3
"Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds
of the Law." (Rom. 3:28) E444
Why should we attempt to fetter others, or bind ourselves longer by that
which has served its purpose and has ceased as a Covenant--passed away?
Be justified -- In God's sight. R5774:3
We are merely reckoned right or perfect because of our faith in and
acceptance of the righteousness of Christ and his sacrifice on our behalf.
Although Paul does not quote words of Jesus, the germ of Paul's doctrine
of justification is to be found in the teachings of Jesus himself. R3481:5*
Justified by Christ -- "Who was delivered for our offences and raised
again for our justification." (Rom. 4:25) E445
Which I destroyed -- Why then should we attempt to fetter others, or
bind ourselves longer by that which has served its purpose. R973:1
Dead to the law -- Only refers to believers. R1729:6
We must be dead to the world, then we shall not love the world or worldly
things. R127:3*
Crucified with Christ -- I am delivered up to death. My will and
self-control, my talents and powers, my rights and lawful ambitions as a
man--all these are pinioned and bound by my consecration vow. SM645:2,
648:3; R961:5, 960:6
Our good human wills, our good intentions and our good plans--not actually
perfect as our Lord's but reckonedly so through his imputed merit--are to
be delivered up to death and to share in his sacrifice. SM648:2; R961:5
The old body is dead because it has been devoted to God in connection with
the sin-offering. R5101:3
Since actual, literal crucifixion, signifies a torturing, slow but sure
death, the figurative crucifixion must closely resemble it; otherwise the
figure would have no value. SM642:2
From the beginning of our consecrated life we are reckoned as being fully
crucified with Christ, but the actual crucifixion is a slow, painful,
lingering process, and ends only with the completion of our sacrifice in
death. R5855:4, 80:1
If Christ's crucifixion was not the crucifixion of a sinful will and
sinful desires, neither was Paul's, nor are ours as followers of the
spotless Lamb of God. SM648:1; R961:4
The Apostle did not mean the crucifying of a sinful will or sinful
desires, plans etc. SM648:1; R961:4
The nearer a person is to perfection, the stronger is his will and the
more difficult to crucify. As followers in our Lord's footsteps we have
neither such strong wills nor strength of character to overcome them.
SM647:2; R961:2
Paul was not literally crucified, but ended his course by being
beheaded--as became a Roman citizen. SM645:2; R960:6
Nevertheless I live -- I, the new creature. T65
Yet not I -- The old creature, represented in the consecrated
goat--being consumed with the reproach and contempt of the world, outside
the camp. T65
The former; not the old any longer. R962:6, 960:2
I am dead. R95:5
But Christ -- The Christ mind. T65
Christ, to whose service you give yourselves; agrees to cancel all your
debts. R804:6, 80:1
His will being fully mine I can call myself his and feel confidence before
him. R962:6
Liveth in me -- Crucifying and keeping under my depraved and justified
human nature and its will. T65
His will being fully mine, I can call myself his and feel confidence
before him. He can own me as a member of his Body and use me as such now
and forever. R962:6
"Christ in you" is the only actuating and controlling principle. R80:1,
The new nature. R237:2*
The spirit of truth manifested in the Church is Christ's representative,
and is termed Christ in us. R160:2*, 237:2*
I live by the faith -- By faith Paul had become reckonedly a new
creature, to whom belonged the exceeding great and precious promises of
the divine nature, if faithful. T65
While actually in the world, he was not of it. T65
Gave himself -- God did require and accept the death of Christ as man's
ransom sacrifice. E450
For me -- Christ's special love for his Church, clearly distinguished
from the world. R1254:5
Dead in vain -- If the Law could have been kept, Christ would not have
died. R105:2
O foolish -- Thoughtless. R688:4
Galatians -- In the Apostle's argument he endeavors to show the
difference between the Law age just closed and the Gospel age just
commenced. R70:2
His entire argument in this chapter is to show that the Law Covenant never
was binding upon the Gentiles, but only upon the Jews. R4510:3
Throughout this chapter St. Paul contrasts the Law Covenant, from which
the Jew was desirous to get free, with the original Abrahamic Covenant,
which had only free children. R4510:3
Who hath -- Some Judaizing teachers were trying to bring them again
under the bondage of the Law Covenant. R1738:3
Bewitched you -- Deluded you. R973:1, 1728:3, 688:4
The Galatians had originally received the correct idea, that Christ died
for our sins--through whom we have redemption. R687:3
Paul was counteracting misrepresentations of false brethren. R3820:6, 868:5
As many as are trusting to the Law under its condemnation or curse.
R1728:3, 973:2
This might be fitly applied to those of our day who are turning from free
grace--to grace as a result of their own sacrifices. R688:4
Eyes -- Of understanding. R4510:3
Evidently set forth -- The Galatians had originally received the correct
idea, that Christ died for our sins--through whom we have redemption.
By the flesh -- The Church needed to be admonished of the danger of
looking at that which is seen. R179:6*
Having begun to reckon ourselves new creatures, shall we change our hope
and be perfected as human beings? R308:2
"It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing." (John
6:63) R123:3
He therefore -- Paul himself. F216
Worketh miracles among you -- Pointing out the Lord's blessing in
connection with his ministries, etc., in proof of his apostleship. F216
Abraham believed God -- God esteemed the quality of faith. R3230:2,
This feature of his character specially endeared him to the Almighty, who,
because of it, styled him his friend. R5169:6
He showed his belief by his conduct, and by obedience to the divine
proposition. CR150:6
He did not believe his own imagination, nor the imaginations or dreams of
other men. R5170:1
For righteousness -- Partial justification. Justified to fellowship, not
life. R5959:2
Might be styled "tentative justification." Fiii
Abraham and others before the Law Covenant, were not bound by it; yet were
not in the fullest sense justified to life until the Abrahamic Covenant
had been established at Calvary. R4320:2
Which are of faith -- Children by special power of God. R793:2
The Gentiles were received under the Abrahamic Covenant of grace, whose
blessings are conferred on a basis of faith. R4510:4
Through Christ, through the adoption of the holy Spirit. NS306:1
Children of Abraham -- The fleshly or the spiritual seed. R1905:3
Typified by Ishmael and Isaac. R793:2
God would justify -- Actually, not reckonedly. F107
This text applies to the Gospel age. R4696:5; Q398:T
The heathen -- All mankind--Gentiles. T91
Particularly to show that the reference is to the Gentiles who are
justified through faith and not by works. Q397:5; R4696:5
Through faith -- The reconciliation by restitution will not come as a
result of the Law Covenant but by grace under the terms of the New
Covenant, which must be believed in, accepted and complied with by all who
would benefit by it. F107; R3684:2
Before -- In advance. R5300:2, 4365:6, 4378:1; CR20:4
In the beginning. R5244:3
Before the Law. R70:2, 184:3
Beforehand--before it was due to begin. R2595:6, 2208:4, 1697:5, 924:3,
The first statement, the first announcement of the good tidings. NS406:1;
R1697:5; CR20:4
The gospel did not begin with Abraham, but with our Lord Jesus. See Heb.
2:3. R2595:6
All that ever went before our Lord's preaching was not the gospel, but
merely types and promises which foreshadowed it. R2595:6
From Genesis to Revelation the Word of God sets before us the Abrahamic
Covenant as the primary statement of the divine plan for human salvation.
As Rachel was the one chiefly loved and first promised, so the Gospel
Covenant, the most desirable, was made before the Law Covenant. R184:3
The gospel -- Good news. R406:1*, 290:5*
Good tidings in a definite form. R4387:1
Good tidings of a salvation from death. E384; T91; R682:6; CR20:4; HG181:1
Something of the divine plan for human salvation. R2208:4
The "Covenant with Abraham" was an advanced declaration of the whole
gospel in an epitomized form. R2122:4
To Abraham the message was so much more explicit as to make it worthy to
be termed a part of the gospel. R4451:3, 4939:3
The coming of Jesus did not change the divine purpose; Jesus and the
apostles taught the same gospel. R5244:5
Four thousand years after Abraham's time we are proclaiming that great
promise; it has not yet been fulfilled. OV428:2; R5181:3, 1697:5
The basis of the Jewish hope of a resurrection. R1878:1
Abraham -- As Abraham here typified God, the promise shows two classes
developed as God's children. R5300:2
In thee -- As Sarah had one son, so the Covenant which she represented
has one seed--Christ. R1389:2
All those who become children of light, by the begetting of the holy
Spirit became members of the special seed of Abraham. R5769:5
Shall all nations -- It excludes none. It extends backward as well as
forward. CR20:5
All families of the earth shall yet be blessed through the spiritual seed
of Abraham--Christ and the Church. OV380:2; PD58/70
The entire gospel message was briefly comprehended in the Creator's
promise to Abraham. SM396:1; CR103:6; R5768:6, 4939:3
"For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation
of the sons of God." (Rom. 8:19) E25
Be blessed -- Be justified. T91
By the Kingdom of Christ and his Church. R5733:1, 4140:3
With an opportunity of return to harmony with God and of everlasting life.
With knowledge and assistance out of sin and death conditions back to the
renewed condition of eternal life upon the terms of obedience. R4537:6
The grand and glorious work of destroying the prince of darkness and
setting at liberty the captives of sin, ignorance and superstition. R4793:3
God's provision, which begins with the Church, will proceed, after her
glorification, to bless the world. R5063:6, 5761:4
Here was a vague statement of the divine purpose, relating to the blessing
itself, as an acorn would be related to an oak tree. R4451:3
The restitution of all things. NS321:5
Of the works -- Trusting to obedience to the Law. R973:1
The curse -- The condemnation of the Law. R973:1
Greek: katara. R701:5
Cursed -- Condemned to death. NS361:3; R4370:5
In addition to the curse already resting on our race. R1725:1
The Hebrews were at a disadvantage as a doubly condemned people. NS361:4;
Each Israelite who failed to meet all the requirements of the Law Covenant
came under a curse, or sentence, not upon individuals of other nations.
R5046:1; NS362:3
Is every one -- Every Israelite. R1725:1, 5046:1
Written in the book -- The words. NS361:3
Of the law -- The Law Covenant. R1725:1, 5046:1
Justified by the law -- The Law Covenant failed because its mediator,
Moses, was unable to give life to anyone except in a typical sense
temporarily. R4388:6
While Gentiles were not to be brought under bondage to the Jewish Law,
neither were Jews justified by it. R1657:6
It is evident -- None can keep the Law, because sin has blemished all
whom it has touched; all are imperfect. R105:2, 282:3
It proved to be unto condemnation to every one that ever was under it
except Christ. R1658:1
The law -- Given to Israel at Sinai. R682:3
Doeth them -- Moses Law required actual obedience and made no allowance.
R543:1, 454:6
No doubt Israel honestly intended full obedience and considered it
possible, when they said "All that the Lord hath spoken we will do."
(Exod. 19:8) R2121:2, 410:6
Shall live -- Have a right to life and should never die. R503:2, 789:1,
Escape from death and from every evil and blight upon condition of living
up to the requirements of the Law. R2121:2
The Law offered everlasting life to all who would obey it perfectly.
Not live in a sinful or in an unsatisfactory condition, but under proper
conditions. Q371:T
Christ will give to mankind his human life-right, which was secured by
obedience to the Law. R4905:4; Q339:1
Had our Lord maintained his right to human nature, without making his
consecration to death, he would have been fully entitled to have a
paradise. Q370:4
The same law which guarantees that the disobedient shall die, guarantees
also that the obedient shall live. R573:2
Christ hath redeemed -- Greek: exagorazo; publicly purchased, and taken
possession of.
No longer under the dominion of the Law. E430
Us -- Formerly Jews. R2443:3
Jews, who alone are under the curse of the Law Covenant. R1725:3 5046:3
Christians who had passed from Moses into Christ. R5047:4
Christians who had been Jews and had therefore been under the Law Covenant
had not only been purchased from under its sentence, but were also
released from its dominion. E430
Our only hope is in Christ. R551:4
Paul classifies himself with Israel, some of whom were in Galatia and some
in Palestine. etc. R5047:5
Curse -- Greek: katara. R701:5
Condemnation. R2443:3
Not that the Law was evil, but that, because of imperfections of the
flesh, the Israelites came under the condemnation of the Law. R2443:3
Of the law -- Of the Law Covenant. R1725:3
Jesus must die on the cross in order to redeem Israel. R5126:4
The Jewish Law, as well as the Edenic law. R1658:1
Made a curse -- Subjected to a special ignominy. NS362:3
Christ was made a curse in that he died on the cross. R4868:6, 5047:5,
Having suffered for us the full condemnation or blight which the Law
imposed upon the transgressor. R2443:4
Experienced the sentence of the accursed ones under the Law. R3901:4
He suffered as an accursed one. R448:2
He was cursed or bore the penalty of the curse--death--destruction. R586:6
Dealt with as the sinner. R4371:3
It was necessary that Christ should come according to the flesh. R1436:4*
For us -- For us Jews. Q138:T; NS362:3
Our substitute. R551:4
The Jews needed to be specially redeemed from the curse of the Law, by our
Lord's crucifixion. R4510:3
Jesus did not need to die on the tree for the Gentiles. Q138:T
Cursed is every one -- Jesus would be held up and marked amongst all the
people of God as being accursed. R3367:2
The Jewish nation needed something more than the rest of mankind, and for
them it was necessary that Jesus should keep the whole Law. In order to
meet the Law's extreme limits he must die on a tree. Q573:4; R3901:4,
It was necessary for the Jew because that was the curse, the highest
culmination of the Jewish Law, the special weight and force of the curse,
the very extreme of the curse. Q138:T, 573:4
Our Lord's redemptive work was necessary for mankind, and additionally
Israel, for the cancellation of the special curse or sentence upon them
through failure to comply with the terms of the Law Covenant. NS18:5, 361:4
The severest penalty under the Law was crucifixion. R5577:5, 4868:6
Only those willing to make themselves of no reputation would be willing to
follow the cause of Christ. R2925:1
Hangeth -- The vilest sentence or curse against sinners under the Law Jesus bore, that he might not only be the Redeemer of the world in general, but also of the Jew. R3901:3, 5047:5; Q574:T
On a tree -- Represented by the tree that Moses cast into the waters for
their sweetening. (Exod. 15:25) R4010:6
Divine providence directed that the Roman should adopt the cross as a
symbol of ignominy. NS622:3
Thus branding crucifixion as the most ignominious form of death. NS847:6
On the Gentiles -- The Apostle referred to himself as having been under
the Law Covenant, and subsequently freed, and to Gentile converts as not
having passed through such an experience. R1726:1
The selecting of only a remnant of Israel resulted in the enriching of the
Gentiles proportionately. R1696:6
Through Jesus Christ -- The promised seed. C169
"Through faith in Christ, but not by the works of the law." (Gal. 2:16)
That we -- We Israelites. R1728:3, 973:1
As members of his Body. C169
Promise of the Spirit -- Through Christ's death Gentiles were permitted
to come under the Abrahamic Covenant, and Jews were permitted to rise to a
higher plane than being merely the natural seed of Abraham, to become
spiritual Israelites. NS362:3
Through faith -- Not works, but faith in Christ's finished work alone
justifies. E444; R416:6*
If God loves us and we love God, what need is there for a mediator between
lovers. R4438:1
A man's covenant -- There were no conditions. If there were, it is
possible that Abraham and his seed might fail to keep their part. R282:2
No man -- The "man" was not the spiritual seed, and Jesus even as a perfect man could not give life to the race. Q193:T
Disannulleth -- No one could alter its terms in any way at all. Q192:6
Addeth thereto -- It stands still the same. Q193:T
His seed -- Christ; and in the broadest view includes them that are
baptized into Christ. R692:3
The promises made -- That all the nations, kindreds and families of the
earth should be blessed. B13; E26, 476; F72; R5848:1*
If we are faithful, the Lord will give us opportunity of sharing in this
work of blessing. R5761:4
See Gen. 12:2,3; 13:14-16; 15:18; 22:16-18. R4370:2
And to seeds -- The Apostle Paul believed so fully in the verbal
accuracy of the Scriptures that he bases his whole argument on a single
letter of a word. R522:2
Of one -- Our Lord is the Seed, yet God foresaw and has foretold the
larger seed spiritual, which will include the Body, the Church with the
Head. (Gal. 3:29) T33
And to thy seed -- The spiritual seed of Abraham; typified by Isaac.
R5090:1, 1341:6; C366; PD58/70
The promise said that the people's blessing would come through Abraham's
seed. R5179:4
The Church, with Christ her Head, constitutes this heavenly starry, seed
of Abraham. OV184:2; R5338:6, 4365:6, 4342:1, 2778:2, 2117:1, 2063:4,
1630:2, 1615:2, 905:2; CR368:2
The seed means one complete Christ, the Head and Body. HG12:2; R5549:3
This seed has its two developments, one in the flesh, in suffering
ignominy, and the other in the spirit, in power and great glory. R3684:1
Which is Christ -- Primarily the Head, and secondarily, the Body. T91;
Refers to our Lord Jesus personally, exclusive of his Church. (See verses
22,24,26,27.) R1386:6
Through him and him alone could the blessing proceed. NS442:5
In the person of Jesus, the Law covenant was fulfilled, and the Abrahamic
covenant began to be fulfilled; it will not be completely fulfilled until
all the families of the earth are blessed by Christ. R282:5
Heir of the world. R1063:1*, 282:5
Not the Christ in one person merely, but The Christ in many persons.
"And if ye be Christ's then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to
the promise." (Gal. 3:29) T91; F361; R3974:4, 3937:4, 3684:2; HG12:2, 460:5
That the covenant -- The Abrahamic covenant, still in force. F360;
R282:2; NS362:2
Originally proposed to Abraham while he was in Mesopotamia. B45
The Covenant included the promise of the land of Canaan for an everlasting
possession. B44; HG44:1
Thus far there have been only two covenants, the old, or original one, and
the Law Covenant. R4309:4
That was confirmed -- Previously ratified. R4496:6
By two immutable things--God's Word and his oath. (Heb. 6:18) R2127:4,
4370:5, 282:2
Made after Terah's death, when Abraham came into Canaan. B45; R4585:6,
4586:1; HG44:2
Before -- As Rachel was the one chiefly loved and first promised, so the
Gospel Covenant, the most desirable, was made before the Law Covenant.
The law -- The Law Covenant. B46; F360; R1728:3, 1389:2; HG44:3
The first feature of which was the Passover. R1980:2
Typified by Hagar, Sarah's servant. R1389:2
Was four hundred and thirty years after -- After the Covenant made with
Abraham. R1724:2, 4585:5, 4371:4, 2482:3*, 1389:2; F360; NS362:3, 698:4
Link No.20 in the true Bible chronology. B47; R1980:2
The Spirit put it into the mouth of the Apostle to name this definite
period because chronology would have been imperfect without it. HG45:2
"Now the sojourning of the children of Israel was 430 years." (Exod.
12:40) B47
"By faith Abraham sojourned in the land of promise." (Heb. 11:9) B47
The statements of Paul and Moses (Exod. 12:40) refer to precisely the same
period, from the Covenant with Abraham to the giving of the Law. B47;
R2482:3*, 1980:2; HG44:2
Cannot disannul -- Cannot make invalid the original Covenant, which was
of grace and not of Law. R4451:5, 1724:2; F360
In any manner change the terms and conditions of that Covenant. R1728:4
It must have been a thoroughly completed Covenant. R4496:6, 2121:2
The Law given to Israel did not interfere with the original Covenant. A84;
R2127:4, 70:2
The Abrahamic Covenant cannot pass away, nor be altered, nor added to.
The Church is being selected under the original Abrahamic Covenant which
was barren up to the time when our Lord became the heir of all things, the
spiritual seed of Abraham. NS698:5
Of none effect -- Make it ineffective. F360
Useless. R2121:3
When the Law Covenant was fulfilled by our Lord Jesus it left the original
Abrahamic Covenant just as it was before the Law Covenant was added. F360
The Law Covenant could not impair the gracious promise of the Abrahamic
Covenant. R2121:3
The seed must come and shall bless all the families of the earth. R282:2
By promise -- An unconditional promise; one-sided, needing no mediator.
R4319:1, 4510:4, 2122:3; NS360:5
It imposed no binding obligations. R4510:4
Wherefore then -- The Apostle answers a supposed inquiry as to what was
the object of the Law and why it was given. R1728:4, 973:2
The law -- The Law Covenant given at Sinai. F360; R682:3
It provided certain typical transactions and prophecies, which have been
very beneficial to spiritual Israel during this Gospel age. R5300:3
It was added -- Illustrated in the type by the breastplate of judgment
placed on the front of the ephod. T34; R72:4
Added to the Abrahamic covenant. R4585:5, 4451:5, 1724:2, 682:3; F360;
God treated that Law Covenant as though it was his wife. PT363:1*
Because of transgressions -- Because sin was spreading rapidly and men
were degrading very rapidly. R1724:2, 2121:6
To manifest sin in its true light--that sin might be seen to be a great
deep-seated malady. R1728:4, 973:2, 683:1
To prevent Israel's degradation like other nations, to act as restraint on
their fleshly nature. R4370:6
To show to the Israelites and to all the impossibility of an imperfect
man's keeping the divine Law. R4451:5, 2122:3, 683:1
To show Israel their unworthiness to be the seed; to insure the "promised
seed" would be a perfect man; to prepare them to expect Messiah's birth
out of the usual order. R2121:3, 683:1
The Law addition proved that the seed would be "holy, harmless, undefiled,
and separate from sinners. R2121:3,5
As a restraint upon the people and as an educatory process. NS288:2
Till the seed -- The promised seed. R1724:3
The Christ, Head and Body. R1724:3, 2121:3; OV428:2
Specified by the Abrahamic Covenant. R4585:5, 5300:3
The seed must be of Abraham's descendants. R2121:3
All who are of that seed have their sins covered by Jesus. R683:4
Should come -- To do the real work, the time for which had come. R1724:2
Through whom the blessings actually would come. R5244:4, 5300:3
Our Lord Jesus, having fulfilled the conditions of the added Law Covenant,
made an end to it to every Jew who believed. R2121:5
By that time it had served its purpose. It was a ministration of death
written in stones. (2 Cor. 3:6-17) R812:4*
Four thousand years after God declared that the seed of the woman would
bruise the serpent's head, and it has not yet crushed the serpent's head.
To whom the promise -- The Abrahamic Covenant. R1724:2, 682:6
By angels -- Moses received the Law from God through angels, therefore
the angels were superior to Moses. R61:4*
A mediator -- Moses, as Mediator of the Law Covenant, was a type of
Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant. R788:4, 4537:1, 4309:6
Under his mediation, Israel's past sins were ignored provided they would
keep perfectly the divine Law. R4537:1
Is not -- Believers are under a Covenant which needs no mediator. R4368:4
Mediator of one -- Where a covenant has only one side to it, it does not
require a mediator. R4368:4, 4370:5, 110:6; NS360:5
When there is but one party to the contract. R110:6, 3915:3, 282:2
The original or Sarah Covenant needed no mediator. R4309:6, 4370:5
It imposed no binding obligations, therefore needed no mediator. R4510:4
The distinction between the unconditional and conditional is apparent from
the fact that to the latter God gave a mediator, while to the former, none
was given. R110:6, 282:2, 5227:1; NS360:5
God is one -- God is the one person bound by that Covenant. R4510:4,
5227:1, 2122:3, 282:2
Righteousness -- And hence life. R812:2*
God is the author of only right and perfect Laws. R455:1
By the law -- If a law and obedience to it, and punishments, could have
reformed mankind, God would have chosen that way. R2049:3, 455:1
And not have sent his Son to be our ransom. R455:1
Of Jesus Christ -- The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus is the
law of righteousness. R1322:6*
Them that believe -- All who comply with the righteous requirements.
Kept under the law -- Israel as a nation is still bound by the Law
Covenant. Christ and the New Covenant which he mediates is the only door
of escape from it. R1725:5
It will not end until the New Law Covenant with its better mediator
supersedes, or takes the place, of the old Law Covenant. Q173:2
God's Covenant with Israel was standing as a wall around that nation, but
its door was barred by justice, as represented in the Mosaic Law.
There could be no proper ingress or egress; all were prisoners. R2441:5
Shut up -- Waiting for the Good Shepherd to open the door. R2672:2,
Unto that hope which should afterward be revealed, namely, Christ the door
or way of life. R2441:5, 5047:4, 1725:6
Be revealed -- The Law served to give Israel an idea of their need of
divine help--the need of having the penalty paid for them. R587:4
Our schoolmaster -- Pedagogue or servant. R1728:4; NS644:5
The Jewish nation were minors, under age, therefore were treated as
minors. R256:5
As are children under nursery laws and subject to teachers until an
appointed time, so were the Israelites under the Law. R1728:4, 973:2
Showing them their weaknesses; preparing them to receive Jesus Christ as
their justifier from things which the Law condemned. R4370:6, 4510:5,
542:6, 282:3
It furnished a check upon idolatry and immorality. R282:3
The Lord endeavored to uplift the minds and educate the character of the
Jewish nation to prepare them for still higher instruction. NS644:5
A severe pedagogue to whom they were committed for a season. HG583:5
To bring us -- Israelites. R1728:4, 973:2
To prepare the Jews for Christ and his message. NS361:4
Led to. HG582:4
Unto Christ -- By showing us that it was impossible for us to attain to
everlasting life without his assistance. R3843:3
And pointed him out as the Holy One of whom Moses had said, "Hear ye him."
(Acts 7:37) HG582:4
Who became "the end of the law for righteousness." (Rom. 10:4) R542:3
Although the Law Covenant did not give eternal life to any Jew, it was of
much advantage to them. (Rom. 3:1) NS361:2
Justified by faith -- By hearing Christ's message they might exercise
obedient faith, sacrificing faith. R4510:5
In the sense that ours is merely a reckoned or faith restitution. F104
Only believers are justified during the Gospel age. R199:3
No longer under -- This Law schoolmaster was not intended to hold
dominion over Jews always, but until the remedy should come. R973:2
Ye are all -- If ye be Christ's. R1697:1
Whether by nature Jews or Gentiles, God's provision now is that all who
reclaim Christ by faith and who consecrate are one in Christ Jesus. NS362:4
By faith -- God is not the Father of all men. R5849:1*
Into Christ -- Into the name of the Lord Jesus. R1544:4
By immersion into his death. R4528:5
Since we have been accepted in the Beloved, we do not require a mediator.
Put on Christ -- Become members of his body. R4510:5, 4339:2, 48:4*
We begin to put on Christ after consecration, and after our begetting of
the holy Spirit. R5081:6
Put on the spirit or disposition of the Master and be more and more
conformed to his likeness. NS448:1
Adding the graces of character which God will accept and reward with
association with the Lord Jesus Christ in his Kingdom. OV356:2; R5870:4;
There is -- All distinctions of sex and color and condition are ignored,
dropped from divine notice. T103; R1464:2*
God's preferences and favors are alike to all the new creatures--according
to their zeal and love for him. Conditions of sex, race, color, etc., of
the mortal body have no bearing with him. F489; R3768:5, 3769:1
All new creatures must esteem others in Christ Jesus as "brethren" and be
kindly affectioned toward all, seek to serve all, and know no partiality
amongst the brethren. F489
Now that Jesus had died, all of the typical distinctions are at an end.
Neither Jew -- Because favor was granted to his nation in the past would
not mean that he would have a preferential place in the Church. R3768:6
All nations are of one blood. (Acts 17:26) R3043:1
Nor Greek -- The Greek was not to think that because the Jew had been
cut off would mean he would be disfavored in the eyes of the Lord as
respects a place in the kingdom. R3768:6
As this scripture would give no excuse for a common herding together of
males and females, so neither should it be understood to imply anything
promiscuous as between the different races. F490
Bond nor free -- These qualities are not to be considered as making them
inferior in God's sight. Q646:8
The Lord would not take notice of slavery as respect one's hopes for a
place in the future Kingdom. R3768:6
Do not consider that freedom is necessary to your spiritual welfare.
This does not mean that the slave who comes into Christ is to be
considered a free man, and that he use his time, etc., in disregard of his
master's wishes. R3768:6
Male nor female -- In the Lord's estimation of his people. But this does
not admit of lax conduct on the part of those who are still in the flesh.
F490; R3768:2, 1548:3*
God accepts all those who come to him through Christ without distinctions
as to race or wealth, servitude or honor amongst men, or sex distinctions.
R3768:5, 1464:2*
While outward proprieties may distinguish the more public ministers as for
men, and the more private ministries for women, yet there is no personal
discrimination in our Lord's love and estimation. R2222:6, 1549:2,4
The gospel is free; under the Law there were distinctions made between
bond and free, male and female. R850:2
All are anointed to preach. (Isa. 61:1,2; 2 Cor. 6:1) R1083:2*
The new mind must control and not ignore the flesh and expose itself to
peculiar temptations of the flesh through a misunderstanding of these
words. R3768:5
Taking the perfect illustration of headship between Jehovah and Christ we
see that the order of headship, rightly exercised is entirely compatible
with the glorious liberty of sons of God. R1550:1
Females are not excluded from baptizing, only that modesty, etc., indicate
it be done only in rare cases, when necessary. R1541:4
All one -- A new one--a new church. R2134:2
From God's standpoint he treats us as one, and has blessing for each and
for all in the divine arrangement. R3768:5
All are on the same level in God's sight. R850:2
God regards each as not in the flesh but in the spirit. R850:2
If we attain a place in the Kingdom it will not be on account of our sex,
race, or condition as human beings. R3769:4
All on a common footing; the robe of Christ's righteousness making up for
the deficiencies. R2301:6
The least who retains this vital union with Christ is as certain of
eternal life as is the greatest. R81:2*
We should acknowledge and fellowship the people of God, whether they be
white or black, rich or poor, learned or ignorant. R5615:4
The standard of spiritual appreciation and relationship and of obligation
to each and to all in matters both spiritual and temporal. F490
This text has no reference whatever to earthly interests and associations
of the people of God--it merely relates to our standing before the Lord.
If we attain a place in the Kingdom it will not be on account of our sex,
race or condition as human beings. R3769:4
The Lord's people, gathered from every nation and people and tongue, are
dissimilar in their intellectual, moral, physical and financial
conditions, but the robe of Christ's righteousness makes up for the
deficiencies of each one. R2301:6
In Christ Jesus -- One Body, of which Christ Jesus is the Head. R4510:5
Consecrated believers; joint-heirs of the promise made to Abraham. R1696:6
From the time we become new creatures. "Therefore, if any man be in
Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all
things are become new." (2 Cor. 5:17) T103
And if ye -- The Church, the Bride. E26; R4998:6, 4956:6, 4528:5,
4370:2, 4319:3, 3937:4, 3205:6, 2854:6, 2398:3, 2209:4; CR11:2; NS273:4,
291:3, 310:5, 399:6, 443:3
These words were addressed by the inspired Apostle to Christians, and they
apply with equal force to the same class today. R1696:2
Be Christ's -- His disciples indeed. R4453:5
Christ's members. R4528:5, 3205:6, 201:2
Consecrated believers. R1696:6
The elect. PD85/99; NS352:3, 540:4
If ye comply with the conditions. R4681:6, 1697:1, 1696:6; Q185:4
If ye belong to him. Q191:6; R1697:1
If we feed on him and partake of his life. R327:4*
Joining him and his standards, and be good soldiers of the cross. R4911:1
Become members in particular of the Body of Christ. F361; T91; R4371:4,
4370:2, 161:2*; SM45:T
If you have been "baptized into Christ, put on Christ," become "members of
his body." R11:5
If ye, like Rebecca, the type, have accepted the Father's offer to become
joint-heirs with his Son. R1386:6, 2795:4
How much hangs on that word Christ! CR215:2
The true seed of Abraham must have the testing of faith to the point of
obedience even unto death, sacrificial death. R4378:2
To be his, body, soul and spirit, today and forever; his servant, to do
his will in his way and at his time; when convenient and pleasurable, and
when inconvenient, painful and difficult. R1697:1
Emptied of self in every sense--dead to self, and alive toward God through
Christ. R1697:2
He does not say, "If ye be Jews" or "If ye be Anglo-Israelites" or "If ye
be church members." R1696:2
We cannot belong to anyone else, for no man can serve two masters. R1697:1
We cannot compromise with the world, nor with its policy and spirit
amongst Christ's disciples. R1697:2
It was not sufficient to be known as a regular attendant of one of the
congregations of believers in Galatia--a brother in good standing with
fellow-Christians and of good moral character. R1696:6
Then are ye -- Believers. HG386:2; R2604:3, 284:2
Together with Jesus. A85; R1386:6, 1000:5
Not by being, like your Lord, natural heirs of the Covenant blessings, but
by your union with Christ. R1386:6
Abraham's seed -- Antitypical seed. R1617:2, 3502:1
Typified by Isaac. R4931:1, 4334:3
Isaac typified the Redeemer. OV164:1
God's seed. R161:2, 345:1
God's elect. R5301:4
Entire Church, Head and Body. R5549:3, 5198:5, 4964:5, 4793:3, 4365:6,
4334:3, 2691:6, 2563:6, 2415:5, 2128:6, 1364:4, 1149:2, 1140:6, 6:1; T33;
CR196:2, 460:5; OV205:5; SM10:1, 530:T
Spiritual seed of Abraham, the Body of Christ. E395, 403; R5818:1, 5170:5,
5018:3, 4642:4, 4436:6, 2940:4, 2854:6, 2604:3, 1850:2, 1615:5, 536:1,
384:2, 201:2, 95:2; CR96:4, 368:1; NS782:5; OV236:2, 350:4; Q191:6
Christ and his overcoming Church. NS6:3, 32:4, 530:2; R905:1; HG442:4
"If ye were Abraham's children ye would do the works of Abraham." (John
8:39) R2604:6
We who are not Abraham's seed according to the flesh, are thus counted as
Abraham's seed because of our faith and because we become members of the
spiritual seed. R4606:1
The spiritual seed whose circumcision is that of the heart. R4442:6
According to the original divine plan a multitudinous "seed" was
contemplated from the beginning. R2122:4, 2854:1
"The Christ is not one member but many." (1 Cor. 12:14) A82
Members of the Body of the Mediator. R4332:5
The seed is to crush the serpent's head. R2842:2, 544:1, 533:4, 270:5,
257:3, 134:6
The first two God called Adam and they brought death and misery on the
human family. The second pair God calls "The Christ or seed" and they
bring life. R139:1*, 305:2
The Church will be the Royal Priesthood for the blessing of all the
families of the earth. R5713:6, 2360:5, 2297:1, 2122:5, 1790:6, 405:4*
Through the Redeemer and the Church, God's blessing shall come "to all
people." R5822:2, 5178:1, 4734:2, 4372:2, 4302:2, 3694:1, 3294:1, 2750:1,
2238:1, 2055:1, 1910:1, 1771:3, 1750:1, 1073:5
Jesus did not inherit this Abrahamic Covenant according to the flesh, but
as the new creature, as long as Jesus was in the flesh, the blessing of
the world through him was impossible. R5226:6.3; CR96:4
In a sense we are already the seed of Abraham, but not until we share "his
resurrection" will we be the seed in the complete sense. R4681:6; Q185:4;
The selection of the seed of Abraham and offer of membership in this seed,
must be to the Jew first. R2758:1, 5273:4
This glorious Christ will be completed by the close of the Gospel age, and
as a whole will be the promised seed of Abraham. SM45:T
But there is a natural seed of Abraham represented by the ancient
worthies, and those who shall come in afterwards. Q192:T; R5859:4, 83:2
Equally, it will be true that if you are Christ's you are David's seed, to
sit upon the throne and be the Messiah. Q192:2
Not Abraham's seeds. HG12:2, 38:3
And heirs -- Joint-heirs and inheritors with Christ. R2691:6, 6013:3,
5178:1, 3867:6, 3050:3, 2885:6, 2209:4, 1510:6, 1386:6, 1155:1
Of this high honor. R924:4
Children of God whom Abraham typified. R1386:6
Of the Abrahamic Covenant--not of the Law or New Covenant. R4474:2,
4344:4, 3974:4
Of the Kingdom and its work of blessing the world. SM367:T; PD35/46;
Christ will, according to the original promise, bless all the families of
the earth, which we, with him, will then inherit. R3219:5, 1278:2
Ingrafted branches in the olive tree. F433; R3446:4, 3365:6, 2622:4; NS50:1
The outcasts of Israel and the worthy Gentiles become children of God and
heirs of Abraham. R5005:1, 2417:2, 2401:5; NS820:4; PD60/72
As a human marriage is dissolved by the death of one of the parties, so
those of the Jews who could recognize that Christ fulfilled the Law
Covenant, could be united to Christ. R4319:4
The Church as the Bride of Isaac and his joint-heir--now betrothed and in
the end of the age to be married to him and to enter his mother's tent--to
enter into all the blessings that belong to the Covenant. R4440:2, 5169:2
The Apostle's thought is that of a wife who experienced the same honors
and privileges as her husband, by becoming vitally associated with him.
Sharers in the sufferings of the present time, and in the glory that shall
follow. R4319:3, 6013:3; SM207:2
The spirit-begotten seed of Abraham must first be developed through
trials, disciplines, testings, sacrifices, before it can be used in
dispensing God's blessings. SM784:2; R2112:4; HG134:4
If we are heirs, the promise is still unfulfilled, until the Millennial
Kingdom. R3206:1, 4642:3, 2409:1, 1697:5, 1195:4; HG546:1
The great blessing to come to the world will in no sense interfere with,
but enhance, the glory of the Church when engaged with her Lord in
dispensing blessings. R5654:6, 2908:5
According to the -- According to the highest feature of that promise,
the spiritual feature. R4453:5
These are to be God's jewels on the spirit plane. R4931:1
Promise -- Made to Abraham, the Abrahamic covenant. R5444:5, 5198:6, 5169:2, 4964:5,
4515:6, 4510:5, 3684:2, 2122:5, 1850:2, 1728:6, 1697:5, 1000:5; A85;
The great oath-bound promise. NS290:6, 291:3, 408:4, 460:6; R4297:4,
3178:5; HG380:4
That all the families of the earth shall be blessed through this seed.
OV198:6; R5818:1, 4793:3, 4682:3, 4515:5, 4496:5, 3915:1, 1167:4, 902:6*;
A97; E476; T91; CR196:3, 216:6; HG181:4; NS273:4, 286:6; SM64:3
The first covenant. R70:2, 283:4
The antitypical promise. R1617:2
The promise is not yet fulfilled and cannot be until the elect, the seed
of Abraham, is completed. SM93:1; R5391:6, 5302:1, 3198:5, 1316:2;
NS499:2; OV157:2
The elect will bless the non-elect. PD85/99; R4213:1, 2538:6, 2376:3,
1881:5, 1311:2; HG334:1, 545:6; NS321:5, 540:3, 778:6
Blessings are about to come upon the natural seed through the spiritual
seed. OV81:2, 143:6, 350:4; R3066:2, 1786:3, 220:1; NS286:6, 288:1, 460:6,
Through the spiritual seed will come the blessing of Messiah's Kingdom for
a thousand years unto every nation, people, kindred and tongue. R5314:5,
4140:3, 1908:6, 334:1
Fulfilling the petition of our Lord's prayer, "Thy kingdom come, thy will
be done on earth, even as it is done in heaven." R2862:1
Abraham's spiritual seed, like the stars of heaven and the brightness of
the firmament, is the channel through which the secondary seed will
receive its blessing. R4365:6; CR368:2
This promise has been the hope of Israel for thirty-five centuries. PD23/34
God's dealings with the Jews in the flesh were interrupted by the
development of the spiritual seed--the parenthesis of the Gospel age.
HG440:1; R1971:6, 704:6; NS679:1
The heir -- In view of the gradual development of the "joint-heirs"
during their minority, but who are to become one by virtue of their union
with "the heir," how appropriate this illustration. R489:4*
A child -- Infant under laws. R976:1, 1735:1
The Law prepared Israel for Christ. R282:3
The reason why a Jew could not have any privileges as a child of God was
because they were under tutors, etc. Q228:2
The relationship to God as sons, was little, if at all understood, prior
to the advent of Jesus Christ in the flesh. R50:3*
Differeth nothing -- Jesus differed in many essential respects from
those whom he came to redeem. R489:1*
A servant -- As children are under nursery laws and subject to teachers
until an appointed time, so were we Jews under the Law, and treated as
servants rather than sons. R973:2, 1728:4
So long as Christ was a member of the house of servants he was under the
Law. Q228:2
Under tutors and governors -- Subject to teachers. R1728:4
"Thou shalt" and "Thou shalt not." R1729:2
Even so we -- Israelites. R1728:4
When we were children -- Under the law. R90:2
Minor children under fixed laws, and not under grace. R1028:6
Speaking of the Church while under the shadows of the Jewish age. R488:6*
Bondage -- Under restraints. R1728:4
Treated as servants. R1728:4
Of sin and death. R5641:1
Elements -- Rudiments. R489:1*
Fullness of the time -- God's appointed times and seasons are an
important part of his plan; it has an exactness to a day. B25; R4344:2,
Our God is a God of order. Christ was born on time. R598:4; B25
The fact that this was 4000 years after sin entered should show us the
fixity of the divine purpose, and that every feature of the divine plan
will be carried out. NS137:3, 750:6; R1005:2, 3989:2
"In due time" (Rom. 5:6) when God sent forth his son as "the man Christ
Jesus" that "he by the grace of God should taste death for every man." (1Tim. 2:5; Heb. 2:9) E451; B25; R5166:3, 685:5, 598:4, 283:4
This should give us great confidence in the certainty of the development
of the Lord's plans at the proper time. R3989:2
Was come -- The moment for love to act finally came. E451; R685:5
God sent forth his Son -- God sent his only-begotten Son. R598:4,
944:4*; B25
Made of a woman -- "The Word was made flesh." (John 1:14) R3476:4; E105
If Jesus came into the world just as "we all" have, there would be no
force to this language and no occasion for using it. R444:5*
Made under the law -- Not under the Ten Commandments merely, but under
the Law Covenant. R5088:3, 4262:2, 1730:3; E417
Subordinate to the Law. R5836:6
For a purpose, not of necessity, but of grace. R488:6*
If Jesus had not been born under the Law his sacrifice would not have
applied to the Jews. R4426:4
It was only because he was perfect and kept the Law that he was able in
God's due time to present his body a living sacrifice as a substitute for
Adam. R5836:6
Our Lord was under the Hagar Covenant up to the time when he was thirty
years of age. R5088:3
He persisted in keeping the Law during the time of his ministry, and at
the same time sacrificed those rights which were his because of keeping
the Law perfectly until death. R5089:1
Jesus died to the Law Covenant, but not to the Law, at the time that he
made his consecration. He was not relieved from his responsibility to the
Law according to the flesh, but as a new creature he gave up all hope, all
anticipation, as respects the Law Covenant. R5089:4
The Law had dominion over him as long as he lived. In his flesh he was a
perfect human being, under the Law. As a new creature he undertook to do
more than merely keep the Law. R5089:2,4
From the divine standpoint our Lord kept the Law as a new creature; from
the human standpoint he kept it as an earthly creature. R5089:6
To redeem -- Greek: exagorazo; publicly purchase and take possession of.
"Buy off." See Diaglott interlineary. R488:6*
That he might also redeem. R1984:3
When redeeming the remainder of mankind, God's plan was so arranged that
the same sacrifice by which all the race of Adam was redeemed by Christ,
affected also the one specially favored nation. E417; R1984:3; NS361:4
Them -- Israelites. R1728:4
Were under the law -- The Law Covenant. E417, 430
The "curse of the Law" put the Hebrews at a disadvantage as a doubly
condemned people, hence it was necessary that our Lord should be born a
Jew. NS361:3
Condemned under the Law. R1984:3, 4262:2
The Law served to give Israel an idea of the need of having the penalty
paid for them, and then having the Law rewritten in their hearts. R587:4
So far as other peoples were concerned, he might have been of any other
nation and redeemed Adam and the remainder of the world. R4451:6
Had Jesus been born outside of the Jewish nation the redemption of the
world in general would have been the same as now, but the Jewish nation
would not have shared it. R4262:2, 1730:3
That we -- Liberated Israelites. R1728:4, 973:2
Might receive -- Afterward. R488:6*
What was impossible until the race was redeemed. E177
Adoption of sons -- The spirit of adoption now, and full adoption at the
establishment of the Kingdom. E109
None except this class are begotten of the holy Spirit. R5134:2, 1227:2;
Primarily the inheritance of Israel, but due to an insufficient number,
"God did visit the Gentiles to take out of them a people for his name."
(Acts 15:14) E177
The purchase of the Jewish people from under the dominion of the Law and
the liberation of believers that they might become sons of God. E430
More than a righteous life is required of those who would be sons of God.
And because ye -- And so also, because ye. R973:3, 1728:4
Ye Gentiles who were not under the Law. R1728:4, 973:2
Are sons -- Because you have believed on Christ alone for salvation and
have consecrated yourselves to him and therefore been adopted into God's
family. R1658:1
Reckonedly owned as spiritual sons of God. T40; R1697:1
As well as we Israelites. R1728:4, 973:3
Spirit of his Son -- The witness of the holy Spirit with their spirits
is to the effect that they are the recognized sons of God. R1658:1
The seal of your adoption as sons. R1658:1 4:7
No more a servant -- A member of the house of servants. B246
They came into this grace without the works of the Law. R1658:1
We were sons under tutelage and you were aliens, foreigners, and
strangers. R1728:4, 973:2
But a son -- A member of the house of sons. B246
Restored to the original standing, as in Adam before sin. R1561:1
An heir -- The evidence of sonship is to enter into the blessed rest of
faith. R1658:4
Now you and we are accepted of God in Christ, are fully received into
sonship and heirship, and neither of us are subject to the Law. R1728:4,
An heir of God's favor. R1561:1
Through Christ -- We are "all one in Christ Jesus." R1658:1
Known of God -- Have been recognized of God as sons. R974:4
How turn ye again -- How can you turn again. R974:4
In Christ alone is full salvation. R1658:1
Weak -- The immaturity of the joint-heirship and plan in its unfoldings
during the age of shadows. R489:1*
Beggarly elements -- Rudiments of the world. The Law is but the
rudimentary part of God's redeeming scheme. R489:1*, 974:4
Inferior rudiments intended for the world in the next age and which now
are powerless to help you. R974:4
The same word as translated "elements" in 2 Pet. 3:10, 11. R409:6, 26:4
Whereunto -- Why do you desire to be in bondage again? R974:4
In bondage -- Israel was not coming up to the liberty of sons of God,
but going backward to the servant condition. R974:6
Ye observe days -- A sign of weakness, childishness and lack of
development. R1734:5, 5556:2, 974:6; HG583:6
Indicating that you do not realize your liberty from that old Covenant.
R974:4, 5556:2, 1734:5
By a false conception some believe the first day is the Sabbath, and that
the ordinances respecting the Jewish Sabbath day were transferred to
Sunday. R2119:3
I am afraid of you -- I am anxious on your behalf. R1734:5, 5556:2, 974:6
Addressing those who had once known the liberty of sons of God, but who
were now going back into bondage through false teaching. R5556:2, 1734:5
Paul had reason to fear that the Galatian Christians had not yet come to
the condition of established character. R3250:6
That the Christ life was not definitely formed in them, for already they
were giving heed to seducing teachers. R3250:6
Paul was fearful that subservience to the Law might lead them to reject
the true gospel. R974:6, 5556:2, 1734:6
Speaking of the tendency to go back to the Law. R974:4
Labour in vain -- Lest my teaching become useless to you. R974:4
Through infirmity -- Being at the time in a semi-invalid condition.
The blessedness ye spake of -- When Paul first met the Galatians they
showed their love and sympathy for him. R2118:4, 1540:5
Given them to me -- Their willingness to do for him the most useful
thing. R1540:5
An expression which would be meaningless unless Paul's eyes were
defective. R2118:4
Paul's eyes were never restored to their former strength. R2825:1; F651
We can fancy the sympathy which St. Paul's affliction called forth among
the loving brethren. R4356:5
My little children -- Spiritual "babes." D575
Of whom I travail -- Because of whom I travail. D575
Paul describes his interest in the gospel work as that of a mother
travailing with child. D575
The first stages of gestation, travailing in painful and laborious effort
until the new being is formed. R1273:3
There is labor and anxiety all the way to those whose care over the
Church, like Paul's, is akin to that of motherhood. R1273:6
The Apostle was writing with tears in his pen. R4510:6
Spiritual child-bearing after the apostolic example is most honorable
service. D575
Christ -- A Christlike character, as a result of the begetting power of
the truth and of the precious promises, inspiring love, faith, obedience
and zeal. R1274:1, 3250:5
The new nature. R237:2*
Be formed in you -- That the principles so notable in Christ's character
are established in them. R1274:4
The spirit of truth manifested in the Church is Christ's representative.
R160:2*, 237:2*
As illustrated in the natural begetting, quickening and birth, so also in
the spiritual; after the new creature is formed, if there be a quickening
to spiritual activity, and if there be no mishap, no miscarriage, there
will in due time be the birth of a glorious spirit being. R1273:6, 3250:3
Although they had been begotten by the Word of truth, the new germ of
spiritual being had not yet progressed to the definite formation of
Christian character which manifests its existence and life in activity.
If Christ be formed in us, the established principles of Christian
character will hold us firm and steady in the midst of temptations and
error. R1274:5
The true child of God must have a definite individual Christian character
which is not dependent for its existence upon the spiritual life of any
other Christian. R3250:5
The language of the heart will be, "My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is
fixed." See Psa. 57:7,9, 119:111; Jer. 15:16. R1274:5
"Christ in you, the hope of glory." (Col. 1:27) R3250:3, 1273:3
In due time the new creature is born into full perfection and glory of the
divine nature. R1274:2
If Christ be not formed in you, then your hope is vain, no matter how much
truth or how many advantages you may possess. R1273:3
Let us see that we do not hinder the development of Christian character by
giving our time, our vitality, our means, etc., to the pursuit of things
of this world. R1274:4
To change my voice -- My tone or manner of expression. R1273:3
To one of sternness. R4510:5
Instead of the joyful tone--the tone of reproof, warning and exhortation.
Because their vacillating course since receiving the truth proved that the
spirit of Christ was not yet formed in them. R1273:3
Under the law -- Under the Law Covenant. R4510:6
Do ye not hear the law? -- Do you not understand what the Law is?
R1728:4, 973:3
Do ye not realize its bondage, its impossible exactions. R4510:6, 1728:4
If the Jew cannot get life in keeping the Law, it would be foolish for
Gentiles to think they could secure divine favor and everlasting life by
keeping that Law. R5027:4
The Law is a special condemnation to the Jew, and if Gentiles were to get
under the same condemnation as the Jew they would be getting into a double
condemnation. Q137:3
Abraham -- Type of Jehovah. A85; R1389:1, 161:2; Q164:2; SM201:3;
Represented the Heavenly Father. NS287:1; F361
Becomes here a figure of God. R1728:4, 1064:4*, 973:3
Two sons -- These two covenants are beautifully portrayed by the Apostle
Paul in Gal. 4:21-31. PT360:2*
The Jewish and Gospel dispensations are double in every particular. HG52:2
The one -- At Sarah's wish, Hagar became for a time her representative
with Abraham, and brought forth Ishmael. SM201:3
Literally Abraham's firstborn, typified the first development under the
Covenant. SM201:3
By a bondmaid -- Hagar, type of the Law Covenant. F170; R2778:2, 161:2
The second wife of Abraham. Q164:2
Although only a typical arrangement, the Law covenant developed a faithful
class, to be princes in all the earth in the Millennium. R5909:2; Q196:1
The other -- Isaac. SM202:2
By a freewoman -- Sarah, type of the Abrahamic covenant or promise. A85;
R2778:2, 1389:1, 283:4; SM201:2
The wife of Abraham represented God's Covenant. Q164:2
A figure of the real covenant of blessing. R1728:5, 973:3
Of the bondwoman -- Representing the bondage of the Sinaitic or Law
Covenant. PT361:T*
Ishmael, type of natural Israel. F170; R5909:2, 4496:6, 4371:5, 283:4;
Hagar's son typified the Jewish nation, or fleshly Israel. SM201:3, 202:T;
R4496:6, 793:2, 283:4, 201:2
A bond-servant and not the married wife. R4309:3
After the flesh -- Without any necessity for divine intervention.
Of the freewoman -- Sarah typified the original Covenant made with
Abraham. R4528:5, 4371:5, 4309:3, 283:4; F361; PD23/34; SM201:2
Isaac, type of The Christ. F170; R5909:2, 4496:6, 4371:6, 283:5; Q196:1
Isaac typified Messiah, the heir of the promise. PD23/34; SM201:2
A type of the Gospel Covenant. R161:2
By promise -- God's special overruling providence was required to work a
miracle. PT360:2*
They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of
God; but the children of the promise are counted for the seed. (Rom. 9:8)
R90:4, 99:5*
An allegory -- A type. R283:4, 1389:1
A figure or picture that God gave. Q165:T; R1389:1; NS292:6
A picture only on general principles--every feature is not mentioned.
A word-picture representing great truths applicable to the Lord's people
during this Gospel age. HG380:2; A85; R2777:5
Illustrating freedom in Christ. R90:4
Thus Abraham was a type of God, and Isaac a type of Messiah. Isaac's wife,
Rebecca, typified the Church, the elect Little Flock. R5178:1
The Sarah Covenant represents the divine promise in its entirety as a
grace or faith covenant. R4436:3
The larger part of the Old Testament had a typical and allegorical
significance. PT361:T*
These -- Two women. NS287:1
Two covenants -- The first Covenant simply represents what the second is
in reality. HG52:3
Which gendereth -- Bearing children--fleshly Israel. NS287:1
Bondage -- A Covenant of bondage, saying, You must do this, or You must
not do that. R4450:1*
This Covenant was represented by Hagar, and her son Ishmael represented
the nation of Israel. R5178:2, 4390:4; Q196:1
Agar -- Hagar. R4497:1; NS287:1
The servant of Sarah and treated as her representative. R1728:5, 973:3
This Agar -- Hagar typified the Law Covenant, covenant of the flesh.
R5088:3; SM201:3; PD23/34
Bearing fleshly children. NS287:1; R4371:5
Is -- Signifies. R90:5
Mount Sinai -- The rocky, barren mountain where the Law covenant was
given. R1389:4, 4371:5
To Jerusalem -- The capital city of Israel which was continually
besieged and in captivity. R1389:4
With her children -- Under the Law Covenant. F361
Hagar's son was born first and represents how the Jewish people were the
first that came into the inheritance under God's favor. Q164:2; R4371:5
It required nearly seventeen centuries for the development of fleshly
Israel, under the Law Covenant. R4497:1
But Jerusalem -- Spiritual Zion. C297; NS723:3
The heavenly Jerusalem will not be built until the first resurrection,
symbolized by Sarah, our Covenant under which we become new creatures in
Christ--the Church is developed under the same Covenant as Christ. Q361:9,
362:3; R5246:1
The heavenly Jerusalem typified by Sarah. R4530:4*
A figure of speech in which a city is referred to as the mother of its
inhabitants. R5246:1; Q361:9, 362:3
The city (government) of which Christ is the Head; of which Jerusalem the
literal was but an imperfect type. R1389:4
The Kingdom soon to come into power to bless the world. R1389:4, 5246:4;
Which is above -- Symbolized by Sarah. C29; R4439:3, 1389:4, 161:2
The exalted Jerusalem. R1389:4
Is free -- Spiritual Israel was never in bondage. R4390:4
Is the -- We look forward and by faith speak of the promised condition
and of our citizenship there. Q362:T
Whose offspring and heirs through Christ we already are. R1389:4
Mother of us all -- Sarah, the mother of the promised seed, Isaac,
typical of Christ Jesus the Head and the Church his Body. R4439:3,
4530:4*, 4371:5, 4011:1, 1341:6, 161:2; Q362:1
The original Abrahamic covenant, typified by Sarah. R2630:1, 4368:4,
4528:5; NS723:3
Mother of the spiritual seed, begotten directly by the Father, typed by
Abraham. R4528:5; NS723:3
The saints of God. The Church is developed under the same Covenant-Mother
as was Christ. His was a Covenant of sacrifice. Q362:3, 361:9, R5246:1
"There shall come out of Zion the deliverer." (Rom. 11:26) R1971:4
When the Covenant that was typified in Sarah has finished its travailing,
and has brought forth the Isaac class, then the people of Israel, the
Ishmael seed, will be regathered for their blessing. (Micah 5:3) R4450:2*
The Law Covenant was never intended to take the place of the original
Covenant. R4366:3
It is written -- In Isaiah 54:1. R1389:1, 3596:3, 1341:6; C297; NS287:6
Rejoice thou barren -- The Abrahamic Covenant, typified by Sarah. F361;
C297; R4516:2, 3596:5
As Sarah was barren, so the primary, or chief, Covenant of God was barren
for a long time, until Jesus came. R5178:2, 4440:2, 4309:3, 1728:5,
1389:1, 973:3, 283:4
God's Covenant was barren for nearly two thousand years and only began to
bring forth the seed of promise in our Lord's resurrection from the dead.
F361; R3916:2
The prophecy began to be fulfilled in the manifestation of Jesus at the
first advent. NS287:5
Hath an husband -- The wife who has borne her husband children. PT366:T*
Now we, brethren -- The Apostle's argument based on the allegory.
R1728:5, 973:3
We take the place of Isaac. Q181:3; PT363:2*
The seed. R22:5*, 99:5*
The sufferings of Christ were only part of the sufferings of the antitype
of Isaac. R5180:4
The Christ was produced after the same manner as Isaac, by God's
overruling power. R4530:4*
As Isaac was -- A type of Christ, Jesus the Head, and the Church his
Body. R4454:1, 4440:2, 4341:1, 4334:6, 3513:5; A85; HG389:4; NS293:1,
530:3; Q164:2, 181:3; SM530:1, 201:3
The birth of Isaac represented the begetting by the holy Spirit of the
entire Church. R4682:5
As Abraham was the father of the natural Isaac, so God is the father of
the spiritual Isaac, Christ, Head and Body. R905:2
Christ, our Head, and we, his members, are the antitype of him who was
called "laughter" or "joyous"--applicable now and in the future Kingdom.
R2861:5, 3952:6
Represents a class that will make the whole world to laugh. PT363:2*
All who have the faith of Abraham will understand that the blessing can
come only through Isaac. R2857:2
Are the children -- Sarah had but one child, Isaac, who typified The
Christ, Head and Body. R4497:2, 5909:2, 5178:2; F361; NS287:1; Q196:1
The antitypical son of Sarah has already been more than eighteen centuries
in process of development. R4497:1
Heirs of the promise--through whom all families of the earth are to be
blessed. SM45:1; R2778:2, 1387:2; Q164:2, 181:3
In a totally different sense than were the Jews under the Law. F361
Of promise -- The original covenant. R4528:5, 4476:5
The oath-bound covenant. R3880:1, 5300:5, 4367:4
The faith covenant. R4341:1, 201:2
The Abrahamic Covenant embraces all the other Covenants, those Covenants
being merely different features of God's arrangements by which the great
work implied in the great promise is to be accomplished. R5909:5, 4334:6;
Q164:2, 196:4
As Isaac was the heir of Abraham and child of promise, by Sarah, so we,
like Isaac, are children of God, of the Sarah Covenant. E105; C297;
R4436:3, 1387:2, 777:4; NS287:1, 306:2
Sarah typified the Covenant through which the vitality of the promise
ultimately develops the seed of promise. SM201:3; R4476:5
Begotten of God in the womb of the Abrahamic Covenant. E105; R777:4
The seed of Abraham mentioned in the promise will not be complete until
the full close of this Gospel age. SM530:1; HG389:4; NS530:3
We are not children of the bondwoman, the Law Covenant, but of the
Covenant of Grace, born free from the slavery and conditions of the Law.
R1728:5, 973:3
"And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to
the promise." (Gal. 3:29) HG429:3, 442:5; R4528:5, 4309:3, 4011:1; NS723:3
After the flesh -- Ishmael, type of the Jew under the Law Covenant.
F361; R4309:3, 1553:5
After the spirit -- By promise, Isaac, type of The Christ. F361; R4530:3*
Even so it is now -- In respect to Isaac's antitype, the Church, whose
members are spirit-begotten, heavenly-minded beings. R4530:3*
Cast out -- Typified the divine disfavor which came upon the Jews
eighteen centuries ago; outcasts from divine favor. SM202:3; R5503:3,
4505:4, 4309:3, 3916:2; PD23/34
Cast off from divine favor, as represented by our Master's words, "Your
house is left unto you desolate." (Matt. 23:38) R4309:3
As Hagar and her son were outcast for a time only, so the Law Covenant and
the Jews have been cut off from divine favor only for a time. R5503:3
If Hagar had died at that time, in type the Law Covenant would have ceased
to exist. But Hagar continued to live, and so the Law Covenant continued,
and still has power over every Jew as long as he liveth. R4505:4
The Law Covenant did not cease when Jesus died, and has not yet ceased.
As Hagar and her son almost perished for lack of food and drink, so
natural Israel in its cast-off condition almost perished for lack of
spiritual nourishment and refreshment. NS288:4
In the dire extremity of natural Israel's cast-off condition the Lord will
graciously point to the true water of life and bring natural Israel back
into relationship with himself. NS288:4
To show that the Law Covenant was not to have any rule over the spiritual
sons of God, Hagar was not allowed to become the governess of Isaac, but
in his interest was dismissed. R1728:5, 973:3
And her son -- The child of Abraham according to the flesh. Q164:2
When Isaac was born, Sarah repudiated Ishmael and no longer acknowledged
him as her son, but, instead, claimed everything for Isaac. SM202:2
In antitype, when God began the development of spiritual Israel, it was
clearly manifest that the chief portion of the promise was to be fulfilled
through the Isaac seed. SM202:2
For the son -- Ishmael, type of the Jew under the Law. F361; R5503:3;
4505:5, 3916:2; NS288:2
Of the bondwoman -- Hagar, type of the Law Covenant. F361; R4505:5,
3916:2, 1389:2; Q164:2
Shall not be heir -- Shall not be the true seed. T33
Had our Lord remained under the Law Covenant, he would not have become the
heir. At Jordan he passed from his position under the Law Covenant; and
became the spiritual seed of Abraham. R5090:1
With the son -- Isaac, type of The Christ. F361
The new creature. R5090:1
Of the freewoman -- Sarah, type of the Abrahamic Covenant, the Grace
Covenant, the Covenant of sacrifice. F361; A85; R5909:2, 4516:2; Q164:2,
A child inherited blessings and privileges of its father, according to the
favor and standing of its mother. E105; R777:5
We -- Nor Christ. R196:6
Of the bondwoman -- The Law Covenant. R2778:2
But of the free -- The Abrahamic covenant, typified by Sarah. R2778:2,
We are born free from the slavery and conditions of the Law. R973:3, 1728:5
"Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free,
and not be entangled with the yoke of bondage." (Gal. 5:1) R90:5, 2778:2,
1728:5, 973:4; HG52:3
Stand fast -- Adhere to fixed principles, be steadfast in the Lord. R90:1
Strive to maintain. R5356:3
Firmly and loyally with the Lord, our Redeemer, Instructor and King.
In the domestic duties of life. R1553:4
Every one who comes to realize the liberty of the sons of God and full
freedom from Babylon's bondage should expect to meet other attempts of the
Adversary to bring into other bondage or to stumble him. C188
Therefore -- Referring to chapter 4. R90:2
In the liberty -- All those who have come to Christ and are united to
him only. R2134:5
Voluntary enslavement to Christ. R1067:1
The sixteenth century Reformation was a re-awakening of the spirit of
liberty, to think inside the foundation lines of the doctrines of Christ.
With the Reformation movement came the love of liberty afresh. R3751:3
To be sharply differentiated from the liberty of license. R3017:3
Freedom from bondage to sin. R2389:3, 4418:1
The liberty of reason, of justice and of love. R3857:3
It is one thing to learn our liberty and another thing to avail ourselves
of that liberty. R4692:5
The only liberty that is really a blessing. R4707:4
Not liberty or freedom to do wrong, but free to follow the spirit of the
Law rather than its letter. R4599:6
It is also true that we should be on guard lest we use our liberty in such
a manner as to stumble others weaker than ourselves. We are to use the
liberty of self-sacrifice. R4920:1
Justification, the title to life through Christ the Redeemer. R1738:3
Obtained through justification, consecration and adoption through the holy
Spirit. R3528:1
The very reverse of the spirit of Papacy. B328
Christians are bound to feel grateful to God for America, and the torch of
enlightenment which it has lifted before the masses of humanity, but they
look forward to the better government. NS665:3
Wherewith Christ -- Follow the Lamb whithersoever he leads. "Whom the
Son makes free is free indeed." (John 8:36) C145; Q644:6
Hath made us free -- Free from the Law Covenant. F362; R90:5
Resting in Christ. R315:5
Free from all human bondage and sectarianism; and traditions of men.
R1575:1, 295:5; SM556:3, 126:1; NS390:1; OV418:1, 388:3
Free from the bondage of sin and death. R4707:4, 1738:3
Christ only gives freedom to those who desire it and will fight for it.
By a persistent warfare of the new mind against the old nature. R3858:4
It should be the chief and most enjoyable service to lead others out of
bondage of sin into the service of Christ. R1067:5
Freedom to one, is bondage to another. R452:2*
Be not entangled -- Free, as Isaac was, as Ishmael was not. F362
By human creeds, confessions, etc. F242; R452:5*
We are to resist determinedly and persistently the attempts of the old
master, sin, to bring us again into captivity. R5356:3
One of the deceptive entanglements of our day is that we should join an
earthly organization. R1067:2
"Come out of her my people." (Rev. 18:4, 5) R2147:2
Again -- Which Satan surely will endeavor to accomplish in every way in
his power. C188
Whoever has gotten free should take heed that nothing, church or priest,
shall come between his heart and the Lord. R1067:4
Take a firm and positive stand for the truth. R1067:5
With the yoke -- The Law Covenant. R1728:5, 1893:1, 973:4
A Judaizing influence. R4623:6
Which condemned all who sought justification under it. R1872:2
The sectarian yoke. C145, 188; R694:2; Q644:6; OV418:1; SM556:2
There are forms of error purporting to be advanced light, which only the
elect will escape. R1067:5
Of bondage -- To human organizations. F234
The duty for every saint to cast entirely aside every human yoke of
bondage, and to assist other saints to the same blessed liberty. R694:2
I Paul -- Paul seems to have been the first of the apostles to grasp the
situation of the leading of the Spirit in turning to the Gentiles and of
the all-sufficiency of the atonement. R1472:5
Say unto you -- You Gentiles, with whom it has not been a national
custom. F226; R4624:1, 2175:5, 1526:4
God could have quickly made the truth plain, but he chose to do it
gradually. R1472:5
If ye be circumcised -- With the object of trying to commend yourselves
to God by obedience to the Law. R2604:5, 4624:1, 688:1
Not addressing Jews, but Gentiles. F226
Profit you nothing -- Subservience to the Law would lead to rejection of
the true gospel. R1734:5, 974:6
The blessings of the two Covenants cannot be mixed. R2424:1
Coming under the domination of the Law Covenant would indicate they had
forfeited their standing in Christ. R4624:1
In keeping the seventh day, in hope of keeping the Law and gaining its
promised blessings. R543:5
No contradiction with Acts 16:3. Timothy was a Jew. F226; R1526:4
"By the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified." (Rom. 3:20)
Every man -- Every Jew. R4510:6
A debtor -- Paul in writing to the Galatians is warning them against
coming under the domination of the Law. R4505:2
Of no effect -- If not trusting in the merits of Jesus sacrifice, you
are under sin and its penalty, as though that sacrifice had not been made.
We of the Lazarus class, the Gospel Church, should not attempt to mix the
Law and the gospel, knowing they cannot be mixed. R1042:3; HG386:5
Are justified -- Righteous or pure. R687:3
Are trusting that you are justified by the Law (Covenant). R4510:6
There is a disposition in our day for those who have accepted the grace of
God, to attempt to justify themselves by works. R2285:3
Whoso observes days in an attempt to keep the Law, has failed to fully
appreciate the value of Christ's finished work. R315:2, 2119:3
By the law -- Law Covenant. R4510:6
Whosoever purified himself by the Law and circumcision Christ would profit
him nothing. R972:5, 416:6*
Because of inherited condemnation and weakness, the Law could not justify
any to life. R687:3
Israel's experience under the Law is sufficient to prove to us that "By
the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in God's sight." (Rom.
3:20) R542:3; E444
Fallen from grace -- Favor. R688:1, 542:3
Lost the trust in the merit of the precious blood. R2285:3
Shows the possibility of falling from God's favor. R1458:2
In accepting the thought that Jesus was a good example, but obedience to
the Law was required, God's favor is rejected. R1458:6, 2119:3, 315:2
The false teachings served as siftings to draw off those who were not
Israelites indeed. R2206:2
Circumcision -- Being children of Abraham, according to the flesh, is
not sufficient to make us new creatures. R3022:2, 1726:1, 972:5
Nor uncircumcision -- The council at Jerusalem did not decide that
circumcision should not be considered thenceforth, but that it is not
necessary for a Christian. R3022:2
To the Gentile, circumcision was not an optional matter as with the Jew.
R3022:4, 2175:5
Faith which worketh -- The faith of all Bible worthies was of this
type--a working faith. R50:2*
This is the law of love, as it is "the law of faith." (Rom. 3:26) R1322:5*
Hinder you -- There are many things to overcome, requiring constant
effort. R90:6
"Unto the Jew a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness." (1 Cor.
1:23) R863:1
This persuasion -- Doctrine; or teaching which was being advanced in the
Church. R687:6,2
Some today are turning to works, good deeds and self-denials as the basis
of hoped-for future life. R688:1
We need to guard our judgments, so that we be persuaded only of God, even
though the Adversary should present his persuasion through recognized
teachers. R687:2
Even though it might come through an angel, it is from the Adversary.
A little leaven -- Corruption, error, sin. F464; T98
The Christianized Jews did not deny Jesus, else the Galatians would have
been unmoved by their teachings. R687:5
That troubleth you -- Trust in Christ's redemptive work had been
disturbed by Christianized Jews. R687:4
Brethren -- Believers; sons of God. R1697:1
Offence of the cross -- This has not ceased, it is to the Jew and the
nominal Christian a stumbling-block, and to the worldly wise foolishness.
(1 Cor. 1:23) R684:1
Cut off -- Not tormented forever and ever. R356:1
Brethren -- Believers. R1697:1
Called unto liberty -- Were called for freedom. Stand by your personal
liberty. R4478:6*
The privilege of sacrificing present rights for the sake of the truth and
its service. F92; R3752:4
Our real liberty is freedom from error and superstition, and from the
bondage of selfishness; and the privilege of showing to others that we are
copies of the Master. R4899:6; NS380:2
Our liberty is a liberty to co-operate with our Lord. R1065:3
New creatures find that the knowledge they receive and the spirit of
liberty which comes to them through that knowledge has one effect upon
their flesh and another effect upon their wills, their hearts. R3751:6
To the flesh -- To serve the flesh, to do evil. F92
By love -- Not through formality. Any service done in love with a desire
to do good. R3543:6
Serve one another -- Comfort, refresh, console and assist in the
humblest affairs of life, or the trials of life. R3543:6
Service which love prompts renders the most arduous task easy and is
acceptable to God. R31:6
The law -- The law of God. R687:3
Our judgments will coincide with his. R1712:5
"The law of the spirit of life." (Rom. 8:2) R1498:3
Is fulfilled -- "Fulfilled in us who walk...after the Spirit." (Rom.
8:4) R4504:6
Thou shalt love -- Control your liberty by the law of love. R4478:6*,
As thyself -- It does not say "Better than thyself"; Christ's
self-sacrifice in our behalf went beyond this requirement. R3804:6
Bite and devour -- Tending to the destruction of all that is spiritual
amongst the Lord's people. R5056:6
The truth seems to take hold of the
stronger characters. A diamond surrounded by mud would scratch nothing,
but diamonds together are cutting. R3752:1
We should content earnestly for the truth, but those occasions of friction
should be waived where no principle of truth is at stake. R3752:4
One another -- Even in the Apostles' day, there was a tendency at times
to fight each other rather then to fight the Devil, the world and the
flesh. R3858:2
Be not consumed -- Lost as respects the gracious things to which the
Lord has invited us. R3752:5
Let us more and more put on the armor of God to fight our own fleshly
weaknesses. R5467:5*
"They that take to the sword shall perish with the sword." (Matt. 26:52)
Walk in the Spirit -- Let their daily course of life be in accord with
their new nature. R4687:6, 1748:4
The Spirit or mind of Christ, the Spirit of the truth, shall have control.
D476; E184; R1861:3, 1554:6
We should guard all the actions of life, as well as all our words. R5124:1
Watch that you are walking in line with the spirit of the truth. R3858:3
To as many as walk by this rule are promised peace and mercy. Forms and
ceremonies are not the rule, but the new life itself, the new creature
filled with the holy Spirit. R1841:2
In our marriage relationship. R1554:6
Shall not fulfil -- The only way to keep down human ambitions, hopes and
desires, is to keep filled with the Spirit. R3070:4
The lust -- The disposition, mind of flesh. The desire. E201
The flesh -- This term represents the lower and more animal qualities of
the person. OV138:1
After six thousand years of falling from the image of God. R3986:2
Lusteth against -- Desireth. E200; R5211:3, 4811:1, 3275:2, 3031:5
Fleshly appetites, preferences, propensities, war against the spirit of
the new will. R5486:4, 5211:3, 3858:3
Only our hearts are changed--our flesh is much more in harmony with the
world than with the new order of things established in our hearts through
Christ. R4811:1
The Spirit -- The new will or mind. R3031:5
Against the flesh -- The new creature is in mortal combat with
entrenched sin. R5778:1
The new creature fights the good fight in that he stands loyal to the
Lord. R5902:4, 5211:3
There is a constant battle between the new creature, the new will, and the
old creature. R4811:4, 2769:5, 2335:3
Anticipate in advance its opposition and proceed at once to mortify.
There is no need to go outside and battle with others. R5212:1
In proportion as we yield to the desires of the flesh the spiritual new
nature will languish. R3031:5
These are contrary -- The two desires being opposed, cannot both be
gratified; one will be gratified at the expense of the other. R3858:3,
5211:3, 1857:6; NS449:5
Our affections must be torn from their earthly props, and trained
heavenward, held there by the cords of love and devotion to God. R5906:4
The slaughter of the Jerichoites represented the victory of true
Israelites over self-will, self-love, self-indulgence and every enemy of
the new nature. R1857:6, 4070:3
Ye cannot do -- This constitutes our need for an Advocate. NS356:5;
Q798:1, 644:2; SM721:2
The battle which ensues is a hard one. R1861:3
Experience proves this to all Christians. R2335:4
Daily we should remember before the throne of heavenly grace our
imperfections and blemishes, and ask divine forgiveness. R4643:1
We walk after the Spirit of God's Law as nearly as possible, coming short
only where our imperfections of the fall render obedience impossible.
SM308:1, 613:1
There are certain fleshly weaknesses, over which the new mind never gets
as complete a mastery as it desires. Q649:1; R3858:4
Our ability to gain the victory will be in proportion to our faith in God
and our reliance on him. R5296:4
That ye would -- That ye new creatures would like to do. E201; R5211:3,
Ideals are to be and are higher than capacity and ability. R4982:1
You would follow in the Master's footsteps perfectly, but you cannot do
this, you can only hobble after his at very most. R4688:1
Because our flesh is depraved we need the merit of Christ to assist us.
Israel's minds were alive to the promises, but their flesh was imperfect.
R5286:2, 3353:1
All humanity are sinners. R5032:3, 4982:1
If ye be -- You who have accepted Christ, and who are walking according
to the new mind. R3858:5
Led of the Spirit -- Walking according to the new mind to the best of
your ability, following the lead of the Spirit. R3858:5
Not under the law -- Have nothing to do with the law, it cannot condemn
you. You are protected under the robe of Christ's righteousness. R3858:5
We are not children of the bondwoman, but the original Abrahamic Covenant.
Born free from the slavery and conditions of the Law. R973:3
Works of the flesh -- The old man. R1841:4; NS565:2
Defects of character are works of the fallen flesh. R5117:5, 40:6*
And of the Devil. F408; R3594:1, 1151:3*; HG693:2
Inclinations and cravings of the fallen human nature. R1748:3, 1295:6
The legitimate cravings of the human mind and body, when such
gratification will prevent our progress in the narrow way. R5807:1, 1841:4
The kind of works which Satan supports and into which he endeavors to lead
mankind. R5184:2
Wholly contrary to the course of a pure heart. R5123:6
Branches coming out of the root of selfishness. R5100:1
All violations of the law of love, come under the head of selfishness and
imply injury to our fellow-creatures. R3858:6
Should be put far away from us who seek to be followers of the Lamb.
R5765:6, 5766:1
Cease to strive against the old nature, and presently some of these
noxious weeds will flourish. R1748:4
The Lord's footstep followers should daily and hourly keep watch over his
thoughts, words, deeds and underlying motives. R4524:1
No matter what the form, if we know the thing to be evil we are to abstain
from it. R4728:2; SM403:3
Represents the removing of sin from the sanctuary. R109:6*
A desire to do evil where only the opportunity is lacking. R3859:1
Witchcraft -- To prove his lie that the dead are not dead, Satan
instituted witchcraft. R1216:2
We should have no communion with the occult. R2172:1; HG726:1; Q804:3
Hatred -- Every child of God should feel horrified at the bare
suggestion that he possessed anything of this un-Christlike character.
Heresies -- Sects or denominations. R1130:6*
Envyings -- A seed which thrives rapidly in any heart where it takes
root, and who can tell what bitter fruitage it will produce. R2880:3
Of the same spirit as evil surmisings. R5122:6
Murders -- Represented in that condition of heart which hates a brother.
"He that hateth his brother is a murderer." (1 John 3:15) R4217:1
Bomb-throwing, and other modern devices for killing are included with
murder and other devilishness--done by those thinking that they are
Christians. OV401:5, 427:4
Drunkenness -- Intoxication literally, or symbolically with the spirit
of the world, Babylon. R4217:1
No drunkard can hope to be a member of the Body of Christ, the elect
Church. R4600:6
We are not to understand that no one who has ever been drunk can enter
into the Kingdom of God. R2533:2
The Apostle arrays himself, and all the saints on the side of temperance.
I tell you -- It would not have done to leave out the grosser forms of
sin because they belong to evils which are opposed to the Spirit of God.
They which do such -- If they continue in that evil course. R4217:5
Doing works antagonistic to righteousness. R4688:1, 121:1*
Just cease to strive against the old nature, and some noxious weed will
flourish and crowd out the good. R1748:4
The great majority manifest works of the flesh and the Devil. SM128:3
They have no right to the fellowship of the saints. R1841:5
Shall not inherit -- Have no hope of any share in the Kingdom of Heaven.
R3858:6, 4217:5
Would that we all might keep this question well in mind. R3679:5
The kingdom -- Showing that the Kingdom was not set up at Pentecost but
was still in the future. HG368:4
Not meaning that if anyone were overtaken in a fault that this would bar
him forever from the Kingdom. R4688:2
Fruit of the Spirit -- Means complete sanctification. SM583;1
The flowers of sweet odor which belong to the Garden of the Lord. R4688:4
The spirit of a sound mind. R5846:4
Each fruit of the spirit is a part of the necessary preparation for this
"evil day," this "hour of temptation," now present. R5678:4, 35:3
Gradually developed and matured by labor. E181; R5393:1, 5124:2, 1841:5
Developments of the heart and character, which come more or less slowly,
according to the personality and the environment of each of the
spirit-begotten ones. R5224:2
Has much the same significance as "graces of the spirit." A quality being
developed would be a fruitage. If we were speaking of an individual's
conduct we might speak of the graces which he manifested. R4989:4
There is a difference between a "gift" and a "fruit." R5124:2
Instead of miraculously received gifts, we now grow the fruits, by
cultivation. R1998:4; NS205:4; Q48:3
If one does not manifest fruit, there is reason to doubt if he has been
begotten of the Spirit. R5393:1, 5224:2, 5134:5
A person, after receiving the holy Spirit, will begin to manifest the
fruit of the Spirit. R5393:1, 5224:2
Necessary to have an abundant entrance into the kingdom. R5760:5; NS376:6
Those possessing these are not easily offended, but are glad to have such
experiences as the Lord's providences may direct to them--specially if
these come through the brethren. R5693:1
Not manifest by Christendom, therefore they cannot be Christ's Kingdom.
R5829:5, 5825:5, 5134:5, 2999*; OV401:4
An evil spirit displaces, fruits of the spirit. R5100:1, 1151:3*
To live in the cultivation of these graces is to "live in the Spirit."
Evidence of vital union with Christ. R81:3*
See 2 Pet. 1:5-8. OV401:4, 427:4
God looked for justice and righteousness as fruits in Christendom. R2804:3*
Is love -- The Apostle places love at the head of the list of fruits of
the spirit. R5757:1, 32:2*
Manifests itself in wise, helpful activity; pities, helps, comforts,
cheers and blesses all within its reach. R4809:3
If we have love to God and for each other, it becomes to us as well as to
others an evidence that we have the Spirit of God. R32:2*
Joy -- Love exultant. F186
Peace -- Love in repose. F186
Because we have submitted ourselves to God. R5393:2
Longsuffering -- Love enduring. F186
Gentleness -- Love in society. F186
Not rudeness. We have plenty of rudeness by nature. CR447:3; SM363:1
Some are naturally quite gentle. If this be so, we are not to think it a
proof of possession of the holy Spirit. R5393:1
Greatness through gentleness. R1708:2
Goodness -- Love in action. F186
Faith -- Love on the battlefield of life. F186
Meekness -- Love in resignation. F186
Meekness is the foundation for love. SM363:1; CR447:3
The meek man will find it easier to be gentle and patient. R5387:6
Meekness signifies teachableness; you can make no progress without it.
Rash people often get into trouble, because there is a lack of meekness.
To continue under the leading and instruction of the Lord we must have a
spirit of meekness, so the Father can give us the "spirit of wisdom and
revelation." (Eph. 1:17) E185
Temperance -- Love in training. F186
Self-restraint. R5757:2
Against such -- Qualities and characteristics of the new nature. R3859:2
Such as God originally planted in man and which have become vitiated
through sin. R4688:4, 1296:1
That are Christ's -- The consecrated, prospective members of his Bride.
R3859:3, 960:2
Implying that not all of the congregation at Galatia were such. T117
Crucified the flesh -- Have voluntarily agreed that they will live
contrary to the emotions and desires of the fallen flesh. R4688:4
Counting the flesh as condemned to death; willing that it die a lingering death.
The flesh insists that the new creature would commit a crime in mortifying
the flesh. R5248:3
The literal is a slow torturous death; the figurative closely resembles
this. R960:2
There is no doubt, that if we follow in the footsteps of Jesus, we shall
suffer. R212:1*
If any would attain to the divine nature, they must take their sinning
nature--the old man--and bring it to this altar, Jesus, and put it to
death. R101:5*, 99:3*
Affections and lusts -- Passions and desires. (Diaglott) R814:2*
Each shall seek to bring himself into the degree of subjection so the very
thoughts of mind and acts of life may be in harmony with the Lord. Q9:5
Does not mean the elimination of every thing natural to man, but, we are
to live on a higher plane. Q9:3
Live in the Spirit -- Live in the cultivation of the fruits and graces.
The Spirit of God which has quickened us and which ultimately is to
perfect us. R4688:4
Walk in the Spirit -- Make progress in the spiritual life. R1748:4
Reckon ourselves new creatures, spirit beings, not yet perfect. R3859:3
Of vain glory -- Influence, power, and authority amongst the brethren.
Vanity is one of the most dangerous besetments of the Christian; it leads
to more trouble, more quarrels, than is generally supposed. R4688:5
Provoking -- Whoever manifests a vainglorious spirit tempts another in
the same direction; there is a provoking or inciting to an evil course.
New creatures in Christ should incite to love and good works. R3859:4
Brethren -- Believers, sons of God. R1697:1
Overtaken in a fault -- Through ignorance or temptation, which he cannot
control. R5491:6
Through some infirmity of character or temperament. R549:5*
Become entangled with some form of sin, not by reason of sympathy with
sin, but by reason of weakness of the flesh or by unfavorable environment.
R5561:6, 3647:1, 2879:2; E117
These stumblings are not the sin unto death. R4830:5
Which are spiritual -- Greek: pneumatikos; spirit-begotten, and
possessed of the new mind. E313
The most spiritual ones of the Church. R5561:6
We should show our own spirituality in the manifestation of the spirit of
meekness and kindness toward the one at fault. R5899:6
"We, then, that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and
not to please ourselves." (Rom. 15:1, 2) R3647:2
Restore such an one -- Restore in love. Our sympathy for our brethren
must broaden and deepen so that we love the brethren as Christ loved us.
R5757:4, 3647:1
Our warnings, reproofs, or withdrawal of fellowship are to be in the
nature of correctives, with a view to restoring. R3035:2
From the careless condition where the new mind has become stupefied and
the old mind has gotten the ascendency over it; "save a soul from death."
(James 5:20) R4628:3
Illustrated when one, slandering another by intimation, refuses to stop
and his conduct is revealed to the one slandered. This is a proper
application of the Golden Rule. R4283:3
To a condition of righteousness and fellowship with God. R5561:6
Spirit of meekness -- Greek: pneuma; disposition. E313
A meek manner. R5561:6
Love them as brethren ought to love, heartily, thoroughly,
sympathetically, compassionately; especially assisting them spiritually in
the conquering of sin, but also in temporal matters. R2879:2
Kindly urging the erring one to strive against his fault. R3647:2
The reproof will be a blessing from the Lord if given in that spirit and
received in that spirit. R5693:1
Let justice always be tempered with mercy. F416
Considering thyself -- Remembering that we also are imperfect in the
flesh. R5561:6
Thou also be tempted -- By the old selfish nature, in violation of some
of the requirements of the perfect law of love. D476
If not in the same manner, possibly in some other manner, in which you are
weaker. R3035:4, 549:5*
By remembering we ourselves might at some time be overtaken in a fault in
the future, if we had not in the past. R5899:6
At some time or other inadvertently fall into sin, contrary to the heart
intentions. R5561:6
Bear ye -- Seek to relieve by sympathy and counsel. R3646:6
Assisting one another in battling against the weaknesses of the flesh and
the besetments of sin. R5562:1, 3647:1
Love's quick discernment is always watchful and ready with the word in
season, the cordial friendliness and the helpful hand if need be. R3647:1,
"We ought also to lay down our lives for the brethren." (1 John 3:16)--in
seeking to assist the brethren out of difficulty and to bring them nearer
to the Lord and to his standards. R5562:1
Bind up the Body of Christ that there be no schism in the Body. R3647:5
Another's burdens -- Of bereavement, financial embarrassment, business
and family cares, physical and mental suffering, sudden distress, great
perplexities, anxieties, and conscious sins. R3647:1
Faults, infirmities. R549:5*
When the surges of trouble roll high, and the timid, shrinking soul is
almost overwhelmed by them, how soothing is the sympathy and counsel of a
fellow-member of the Body of Christ. R3646:6
The Greek word means that which tires. R549:3*
Whatever makes a man grow weaker. R549:5*
Fulfil -- Let this blessed law of Christ rule more fully in us, and let
its hallowed influence shine out upon the world, showing them how it
brings peace and harmony and happiness. R3647:5
The law of Christ -- The law of love. R3647:2, 3646:6, 1498:3
The general law of Christ. A law of service and self-sacrifice in the
interests of others. A law of love. R5562:1
Those who, finding such a brother, merely throw back their heads,
denouncing him in a haughty, imperious, holier-than-thou manner, have not
yet attained a proper appreciation of what is the law of Christ. R5562:1
To be something -- "Vainly puffed up in his fleshly mind." (Col. 2:18)
One great danger which besets all the true followers of Jesus is
headiness--thinking too highly of self, and therefore, not thinking highly
enough of the brethren, especially those who stumble in some particular in
which this individual has not himself, as yet, stumbled. R5562:1
When he is nothing -- It sometimes happens that those who are ignorant
as well as poor become puffed up in their fleshly mind as well as those
who are wise and rich. R1920:5
We are bundles of imperfection; on the strength of our own merit we could
not commend ourselves to God nor have his favor. R5562:2
Deceiveth himself -- Modesty and simplicity are traits to be cultivated
by rich and poor. R1920:5
Prove his own work -- Instead of seeking to judge or to reprove his
neighbor or brother in Christ. R5562:2
Every Christian is individually responsible for the exercise of his own
Christian common sense, in faith and conduct. R1777:2, 1788:5
It was the neglect of this principle of the right and duty of the
individual judgment in proving all things by the inspired Word, that
brought upon the church the snare of the great apostasy. R1788:6, 1777:1
Rejoicing in himself -- To whatever extent he can see that he is
progressing in putting away the works of the flesh, and putting on the
graces of the holy Spirit, to that extent he has ground for rejoicing
His faith will be so established by the Word of the Lord that it will be
his own, and in no sense dependent upon another. R1788:5
Not in another -- Without in any sense or degree seeking to compare
himself with others and thus to estimate himself wholly by the
imperfections which he may see in others. R5562:2
Bear his own burden -- Seeking to find out his own weaknesses, and
therefore not being a burden or reproach to others--either to the Lord or
the brethren. R5562:2
Rather than to lean upon the brethren; each is to remember his own
personal responsibility and not to get weary in well doing. R5899:5
Not only seek to bear his own burdens as far as possible, but to seek to
bear somebody else's burdens. Q334:2
Discharge his own proper duties; a different word in the Greek than in
verse 2. R549:5*
The Greek word means that which loads. R549:5*
Whatever is needful to carry--such as a soldier's kit, or a ship's
freight. R549:5*
Taught in the Word -- Those who receive blessings from a teacher. R5562:3
God designed to instruct his people by means of each other. F263
Communicate unto him -- Those receiving instruction should not fear to
communicate to the better instructed teaching brother any thought that
they might have respecting the Word. R2500:6
Telling of any blessings received or of any clearer views of the Word of
God which have come to them. R5562:3
Call his attention to any matter seeming to bear on the subject discussed; thus all are to be
critics--never, however, for debate or for fun or to find fault, but to
keep the Body of Christ and his teachings pure. F263
It would be as proper to ask Berean questions of sisters as well as
brothers. These would not be considered as teaching, but a learner
reciting what he or she had learned. R4122:5
Even the humblest shall think for himself and thus develop an individual
faith and character. F263
There is no room for clericism. R5562:3
The Apostle may also have meant that those who receive blessings from a
teacher may properly seek opportunity for recompensing him, either with
thanks or with cooperation or some way helping to forward the work. R5562:3
"Communicate" is a broad word and includes not only thoughts sentiments,
etc., but may be understood also to mean some manner of support. F264;
Or helping to forward his work of teaching in any good way. R5562:3
Good things -- Not to be understood to mean a personal appeal for money,
charity, or support. R2500:6
Be not deceived -- Some might deceive themselves into thinking that they
might live according to the flesh, and then go to the Lord in prayer and
have the matter all forgiven and corrected. R5665:2
God will not be pleased with anything less than your continual opposition
to every form of unrighteousness. Many are thus deceived, professing to be
the Lord's people and yet blind to justice, righteousness, in many of the
affairs of life. They exercise too much mercy in dealing with their own
shortcomings and not enough in dealing with the shortcomings of others.
There is a danger of being deceived as to whether we are sowing to the
spirit or the flesh. The flesh is very crafty. The new mind needs to guard
continually lest it fall into a trap of the old nature. R4829:6, 5665:1
God is not mocked -- Cannot be deceived, cannot be trifled with. If God
has entered into a covenant with us, nothing else than our agreement will
stand. R5226:2
It is not enough that we make a consecration of ourselves to God, but we
need to show by the earnestness of our conduct that we have received a
transforming power in our lives. R5934:2
Though others may be deceived, God cannot be mocked by our outward service
of him and his truth while inwardly living according to the flesh.
R4829:6, 5562:3
If we endeavor to find justification for doing that which
we recognize as contrary to the Golden Rule we are merely attempting to
deceive ourselves, in a manner which will not deceive our Lord. NS590:4
God can read the heart and discern the motive. R3859:4, 3323:3
Those who find themselves in any degree of sympathy with evil qualities
are deceived if they think themselves to be the Lord's people. R3323:3
Do not think you can do evil and get good results. R5665:2
All divine law is the operation of fixed principles of righteousness,
having for their object the peace and happiness of all intelligent
creatures. R1654:3
If we sow to the wind, we shall reap the whirlwind. R1653:3, 5665:2
"There is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, neither hid that
shall not be known." (Luke 12:2) R1653:3, 1655:1
Whatsoever -- The operations of this law are most manifest upon classes
and nations, because their prominence gives them worldwide publicity and
because their harvest must of necessity be in the present life. R1654:5
Divine retribution seems generally to be that of sequence, so that under
it, rewards and punishments follow naturally. God sometimes steps beyond
this order, as with the second death and the exaltation of the Church.
The fact that retribution is often delayed is frequently presumed upon by
the foolish, who vainly think that they can sow their crop of wild oats
and never realize their harvest. R1654:4, 5665:3, 1655:2
A course of life or conduct, that would bring good results, or a course
that would bring evil results. R5665:3
Every inch that we yield--whether in thought, word or action--means so
much decrease of spiritual power; and the new creature grows weaker.
Illustrated by Aesop's fable of the donkey who slowly inches his way into
the blacksmith's shop and kicks out the blacksmith. R5934:6
A character, which is plastic in early life, becomes fixed and fossilized
in the course of years. R1654:5
A man -- The Church; the consecrated people of God. R5899:1, 5934:2,
5561:6, 3323:5, 1653:3; OV392:3
This will be true of the world as respects their sinful flesh, during the
Millennium, but not now. R5935:1; OV392:3
Every human being could take a profitable lesson from this verse and
receive a blessing in proportion as he would follow it's spirit. R5899:1
Soweth -- All conduct must be incited by previous thought. R5665:3
Wilfully, intelligently. R5225:2, 4909:5
The thought of sowing is that of planting with a view to development or
result. R4828:2
In the past you sowed to the flesh; wasted time, used your body
improperly. You have learned a lesson; put it to good use. Hereafter, try
to live in harmony with God's will. OV450:1
True of the whole world, also. R5361:4, 5666:4, 5255:1, 1653:3
Our justification before God does not remove at once all the results of
previous transgression. But the penitent and forgiven one has promise of
grace to help with his inherited and cultivated weaknesses. R1654:3
Shall he also reap -- A principle of the divine arrangement that sowing
will bring reaping, and that the thing reaped shall be of the same
character as the thing sowed. R5562:3, 5665:2, 5303:4, 5225:1, 1653:3
Either in the present life or in that which is to come. R5309:1, 1655:3
In the cleansing process, the justified believer must, of necessity,
experience some of the baneful results of a past course of sin. R1654:3
The conditions which will expose the evils of past life--bring about
retribution to the evildoers, will also make manifest the good deeds of
the righteous. R1655:2; HG639:1; NS439:2, 813:6
The Millennial age is set forth as a day of reckoning, of trial, of
judgment. R1654:1
Every evil word or act, or violation of conscience will have its effect
upon the character and thus have to do with either elevating or degrading
each individual. HG489:6; NS334:1
This is our judgment day; and the judgment of the world will proceed upon
the same general principles. They will first be brought to a knowledge of
the truth, and will then be judged accordingly. R1655:6, 1426:4
The world has sown to the wind the seeds of selfishness, and now they are
about to reap the whirlwind of anarchy and terror and the destruction of
all law and order and national and social organization. R1654:5
Whoever violates conscience, much or little, will proportionately be
disadvantaged in the future. OV129:2; R5303:4
Whoever sows a life of sin and self-indulgence will not reap glory, honor,
immortality, by a "death-bed repentance" but a more depraved disposition
than that with which he was born. HG645:3
Every act, word, look or thought is a seed, and will bring results in our
own minds, hearts and conduct; and whether or not we shall bring forth
thirty, sixty, or one hundredfold, or no fruitage. R3771:5, 4828:2
A brother who is a murderer at heart (1 John 3:15), because of light
enjoyed, may have greater difficulties to overcome in the reformation of
his character than the grosser, but ignorant, murderer. R1655:4
For he that -- In the Church. R3323:5, 5665:5, 4828:3
Begotten of the Spirit. R279:5, 142:6
Soweth to his flesh -- To sensuality or to any earthly desires contrary
to the new nature. The things of the fallen flesh, which are always
contrary to the Spirit. R5934:2, 5665:5, 4828:2
By allowing the selfish, unjust, unrighteous desires of the flesh to have
sway in his heart and life. R3323:5, 5934:3, 5226:4, 4829:6, 4828:2
Seeking to do according to their fleshly wills, and pleasing the fleshly
minds of friends or relatives. R5562:4
If we make a change merely in our profession, while still sowing to the
flesh, the result will not be according to our profession, but according
to our doing. R5934:2, 3859:5
If we allow the envious, selfish, vain-glorious, ambitious spirit to
control, with more or less of anger, hatred, strife, and dissension, we
may surely expect the legitimate crop will not become the reverse of this.
Spending of time, energy, money, in the pursuit of pleasure or of earthly
things or riches. R5899:4
Yielding to the old creature. R5934:6
Live in willful sin. R142:6, 279:5
All obedient Christians are seeking to eradicate and destroy the weeds of
sin and selfishness which spring naturally in their flesh because of
heredity. R5899:2
Does not mean a thorough rebellion against the Lord, but rather the
procurement and the sowing of bad seed. R5899:4
It is a mistake to suppose that a reasonable gratification of the flesh is
proper. Every gratification of the fallen flesh satiates only the animal
propensities. R4828:2
It is the spirit of Satan, which has become dominant in the human family,
ever since Adam ate of the forbidden fruit. R5665:4, 5666:4
Better clothes, delicious food, a desire to live on a good street and in a
fine house, are not necessarily sinful things. All these are of the flesh,
but they are not what the Apostle is referring to here. R5934:3
Reap corruption -- Death; the end will be death. R3859:5, 5934:3,
5899:5, 5665:6
The second death. R3323:5, 4828:3
They have already surrendered their human life-rights. R4828:3
This does not mean that if any of God's people should have some earthly
desire or wrong sentiment spring up in their minds they would die
instantly, or instantly be cut off from any hope of future life on the
spirit plane. R5934:2
In proportion as we are derelict, as we sow seeds of evil, in that same
proportion shall we be sowing to corruption. R5665:6, 5562:5
Moral and spiritual degeneration. R5666:1
But -- The new creature develops at the expense of the old creature, the
old nature, which must be put to death. R5935:1
Soweth -- Acts, words and thoughts are the good seeds; and they must be
sown carefully and persistently. There is just one storehouse from which
they are supplied--the Word of God. R5899:3
To the Spirit -- Resisting the desires of the flesh toward selfishness,
and exercising the new mind toward the things that are pure, noble, good,
true; the things that are spiritual. R3323:5, 4829:6, 4828:3
Living a spiritual life, seeking to serve the will or Spirit of God in all
words, deeds and thoughts. R5562:4
To the best of our ability to understand the Lord's will, lay down our
lives. R5934:2
This is done by the new creature, the new mind, the new will, and not by
the flesh. R3859:5
If we follow a course with a view to keeping out body
in condition for best service, if our flesh has a craving for certain
things that would not be for our spiritual welfare, the new creature is to
say, "No you cannot have it." R5934:3
The heart of the Christian is consecrated soil. Special flowers and fruits
are to be cultivated. These are styled fruits and graces of the holy
Spirit. R5899:2, 4829:5, 4828:5
Whoever sows to the spirit will reap in kind. R5665:3, 5226:4
If they wish to attain glory, honor and immortality, they must live
according to the Spirit of God, the spirit of God's law, the spirit of
righteousness. R5665:5, 4828:5, 3859:5
They must conform their lives to the life of Christ, their Exemplar.
R5665:5, 5562:4, 4828:6, 3859:5
Life everlasting -- Everlasting life shall be reaped as a gift-reward,
to the those who seek for it by living according to the spirit of
holiness. E386; R1878:4
Everlasting life and the Kingdom. R4830:4
Be overcomers. R5934:5
Does not mean that only those who attain the complete mastery of the flesh
will receive any blessing, but, unless we manifest an appreciation of
spiritual things, we shall not be fit for everlasting life. R5562:5
The spiritual body. R3859:5
In well doing -- To live according to the lines marked out by the holy
Spirit through the words of Jesus and the apostles. R5562:5
Not only start out well by making a full consecration, but continue
faithful, and not be weary of striving against sin. R5562:6
Rise from the ashes of discouragement and lift the cross with renewed
zeal. R5095:4
Not in well-meaning. R1802:4*
If we faint not -- Our Captain will lead us to certain victory, if we
faint not. R1859:2
Labor diligently and fervently, to the extent of our opportunities and
abilities. R2334:6
Pray in faith, nothing doubting. R5710:1
Opportunity -- After having done first of all the Father's will. E117;
Development of character-likeness to our Lord is our first duty. Nothing
that we can possibly do for others should be considered as appropriate for
taking the place of the work for ourselves individually. SM635:1, 639:1
What God's people are to do for the world is to be merely secondary,
merely what opportunity may offer. Their chief work is to be for
themselves. SM635:1
Where it will not interfere with our consecration vows. R5932:4
If there are many opportunities for service we are to exercise the spirit
of a sound mind as to which would be the will of the Lord for us. R5358:2
Our obligations are limited to our opportunities. R934:3*
Next to the household of faith should come our more distant relatives.
Instant in season, and out of season; we should do it gladly. R5358:1,
At the expense of our own time and convenience. R5258:4, 3180:3; SM639:T
When our Lord Jesus, for a brief time, had no Jewish companions to preach
to, he used the occasion to preach to the Samaritan woman. R2574:5
Let us do good -- Without limitation, in word or deed. R5357:1, 317:4
If we have the Master's Spirit we will desire to do good unto all men.
R5375:6, 5724:6, 5357:4, 3929:6, 2586:1, 2551:5, 2435:5; Q625:5
Temporally or spiritually; especially spiritually. R1593:6, 2879:3; NS271:4
In justice and in love. NS393:3
If any one can dispel the darkness of ignorance and let in light, he will
surely do great good. No other work could be so grand as to make known to
others God's character, plan and will concerning us. R5357:1,3, 5449:1,
5353:6, 4182:1, 829:5*
There is a higher work than social uplift and "good works." We are to give
our life and time to this--the instruction for all who have the ear to
hear respecting the Almighty, his will, his purpose, his plan. R5357:3;
In doing this work we resort to every lawful means--by the printed page,
orally, or by pictorial presentations. R5357:4
In so doing we shall be copying our Heavenly Father's character. He is the
Fountain of Blessing. A disposition to do good to everybody. R5562:6,
4766:1, 3946:3
Give a kind word, a smile, a pleasant tone, a little civility wherever
proper. R5357:5
Be a good Samaritan, a kind friend, a loving father and husband, a
generous neighbor. R2684:6; Q808:2
We are representatives of righteousness and should deal so with others.
A requirement for our development into the likeness of Christ. R5932:4
Our blessing is associated with activity on behalf of others. NS808:3
"Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you
can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the
people you can, As long as ever you can." R5471:6*
Unto all men -- Be kind to the thankful and unthankful, to the believing
and unbelieving. R1588:1
Including our enemies. F189; R4766:2
Including those who have been disfellowshipped by the Church. F290
The disposition to do good to everybody. R5562:6; SM635:3
Defend others, help them to overcome sin. NS61:5
Our efforts that will go toward the world of mankind are to be only the
side-glances. R2415:4
If we can find no opportunities to do good to the household of faith then
all our energies may be devoted to others. R934:3*
This is in addition to merely avoiding harshness toward those who have
been overtaken in a fault, guarding ourselves in sowing to the Spirit and
not to the flesh; and avoiding weariness in this good way. (Verses 1-9)
Especially -- Chiefly and directly; giving these always the preference.
R2415:4, 5786:2, 5358:4, 2423:5, 934:3*; CR473:2
We can readily afford to let the work for the world wait God's due time
while we spend all our little talent in ministering to the pressing
necessities of the household of faith. R494:5
Household of faith -- In a strict sense, includes only those who are
consecrated. In a broad sense, would include those counting the cost.
R5358:1, 2740:4; SM638:1
Those who have the faith once delivered to the saints. (Jude 3) SM636:1
Both the Little Flock, the Royal Priesthood, and the Great Company, the
antitypical Levites. R4654:2, 4389:2,6; NS73:6, 847:3
The Church of the first-born. R4537:4, 4389:6, 2415:4; OV203:6
The Lord's children. R5562:6; Q644:6
Spiritual Israel. R1742:4
All those invited to become the Bride of Christ were previously related to
him as members of the household of faith. R4476:3
Opportunity of serving "the Body of Christ" is limited to the present age.
God himself is dealing only with that household at this time. SM637:1
We are to think kindly and generously of all those whom God has brought
into his family. They should always be first in our thoughts. R5843:2,
Be generous, be kind to everybody, but especially to the saints. Every
service lovingly and gladly rendered to the saints is rendered unto God's
glory. R5818:6, 5724:6, 3946:3, 3939:6, 2755:1
Ready to lay down our life for the brethren. R5358:5, 5127:6, 3180:3;
SM12:1; NS61:5
If we have a choice of doing something for the saints or for a neighbor,
then we should give the preference to the Lord's saints, whether they be
Presbyterian saints or what not. Q644:6
It is our duty to help everybody who is feeling after the Lord and
amenable in any degree to the Word of Truth. R5697:1
If these demand all our time we may be doing nothing for the lost sheep,
but only helping to perfect those whom the Lord has already found.
R5428:1, 5357:6
We are not to think of giving the world the same affection or love or
interest that we give to the household of faith. Neither does God.
R5724:6, 4766:4
This does not mean that we are to be negligent of those of our immediate
households and our special responsibilities to these. But, aside from
these, the spiritual brethren should have first place in our hearts.
R2879:3, 2448:6
How large a letter -- All of Paul's epistles were written by some one
else, except this one, one of the shortest. R1540:5, 2118:4
Although a learned man, Paul wrote very few of his own epistles; because
his eyes were not restored to their former strength. R2825:1, 2118:4
He could write only with difficulty. R1540:5
The Greek would give the thought that these words apologize for the use of
very large characters, such as a semi-blind person would use. R2118:4;
With mine own hand -- In spite of my weak eyes, my "thorn in the flesh."
(2 Cor. 12:7) F651; R2118:4, 1540:1
As many -- Illustrated today by some who refrain from preaching the
truth on the "hell" question for fear of losing members. R2599:1
God forbid that I -- Far be it from me. (Revised Version) R5596:2, 5919:2
Glory -- How beautiful is the Gospel of the cross as compared with any
other! R5919:3
In the cross -- The necessity for Jesus' death as the redemption-price
for the sins of the world. R5919:2
No wonder the Apostle makes the cross of Christ the center of his
preaching, declaring, "Without the shedding of blood there is no
remission" of sins! (Heb. 9:22) R5919:6
A new creature -- "Old things have passed away, and all things have
become new." (2 Cor. 5:17) R2129:1
As many -- New creatures, begotten and led of the Spirit of God.
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world." (1 John
2:15) R1589:5
This rule -- If we are living according to the rule of the new nature,
we must have the fruits of the spirit in some measure, even from the very
start of our Christian experience; and these are surely growing. R1841:5
The rule of the preceding verse. Forms and ceremonies are not the rule,
but the new life itself, the new creature, led of the Spirit. R1841:2
Peace be on them -- Notwithstanding our lameness and halting steps in
following the lead of the Spirit, God gives his blessed peace. R1841:1
The Lord's dear voice brings comfort, strength and rest, in the midst of
all the cares and perplexities of the way. R5807:5
And mercy -- Because our best efforts to walk after the leading of the
holy Spirit will be imperfect. R1841:2
The Israel of God -- "They are not all Israel which are of Israel."
(Rom. 9:6) C62
Overwhelming evidence that the House of Israel was no longer regarded by
our Lord and the apostles as the "ten tribes" merely. C293; R1341:1
Spiritual Israel, as contrasted with fleshly Israel. R2086:5, 5092:2,
637:6*; D23; CR485:3
The Christian Church. B204
God's people--all who love God in truth and sincerity--Israelites indeed.
Marks of the Lord Jesus -- Evidences that I am his servant and follower.
The blows he had received when he had been whipped and beaten because of
the witness to the truth and his fidelity to the Lord. CR432:3, 312:4
The legitimate children of God can be readily identified, not by titles,
or gowns, but as the early church of priests was identified--by their love
for the truth and their sacrificing for it. R985:4
We are bond-servants of Jesus Christ, and, like Paul, we glory in being so
branded. R1738:6; CR432:3
In olden times, slaves were branded to indicate that they belonged to a
person. CR432:3, 312:4