N.B.--Those of the interested, who by reason of old age or accidents, or other adversity, are unable to pay, will be supplied FREE, if they will send a Postal Card each December, stating their case and requesting the paper.
BINDERS FOR 1893-1894.
Patent Binders of a size suitable for the TOWER for two years' issues, and with the name of our journal and the dates 1893-1894 stamped in gilt on the side, are now ready. Those therefore who hereafter order Binders should specify whether they want these for coming years or those for 1891-1892 which have no dates stamped on them. These are extremely desirable for preserving your TOWERS in a convenient form for future reference. Price fifty cents each.
So far as possible we prefer to have subscriptions date from January each year; but where this is not convenient we are pleased to have it otherwise. Those who cannot pay now, but who expect to do so later, and who desire that their papers continue uninterruptedly, will please drop a card saying so. Each can see just how his account stands by examining the date on the address label of his last paper. These we will correct every month hereafter.
Those who from age, accident or other misfortune are unable to afford to subscribe are still welcome to receive the WATCH TOWER free as "The Lord's Poor," if they describe themselves and make the request yearly. (Such are marked with a sign--thus: +--on the address label.) This offer is not meant for those whose inability to pay arises from the spending of a larger sum for tobacco, etc.; but all who are really of the class described are as welcome to the TOWER regularly as though they paid for it.
But it is not too much to ask such to renew their request each year on a postal card. If you have once described your case and are marked (thus: +) on your label you need not explain again; for we understand that your circumstances are still the same. Such may simply say, "Please renew my subscription as heretofore," and we shall understand them. But others not so marked (+) should explain, for we have not understood them heretofore.
Again, let us request that all the "Lord's Poor" renewals come in promptly before January '93. Those who asked the TOWER free during other months get it only until December '92 unless they now, in December, ask its renewal. "Ask and ye shall receive" is God's method--which we adopt.
In our next issue we hope to present a report showing that the "Good Hope" plan adopted a year ago was a decided success--increasing the Tract Society's Funds and its usefulness in the work of truth-spreading. We will then also furnish blanks for 1893 for such as appreciate this method and opportunity for serving our Redeemer and King.
In our next issue we will mention some new Motto Cards just imported as helps toward home embellishment.
We remark now that we still have some of the Flower Cards brought from Palestine (Cards upon which pressed flowers are pasted in neat designs), brought as mementoes of the Holy land. These are donated to the Tract Fund and sell as follows:
Small Cards, 4 for 25 cents.
Larger " , 2 " 25 cents.
r1474 VOL. XIII. DECEMBER 1, 1892. NO. 23.====================
[page 365]
[R1478 : page 365]
IV. QUAR., LESSON XIII., DEC. 25, LUKE 2:8-20.
Golden Text--"Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy."--Luke 2:10.
The story of this lesson is one so familiar as to require no special comment, and yet in its simple details lies the hope of the whole world. Four thousand years previous the birth of this child was promised, and all the way along during those forty centuries some faithful souls continued to trust in the promises and to look for the salvation to be brought about through him. We may surely take for granted that the humble shepherds to whom the message of the Lord's advent first came were men who thus hoped in the promise of God; for to such, and to such only, the Lord discloses his purposes.
These men were quietly tending their flocks by night when suddenly the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone around about them; and they were sore afraid. (Verse 9.) But their fear was soon overcome by the message of the angel, contained in our golden text, but which, strange to say, our lesson committee has only partially quoted, leaving out one of the grandest features of the message--viz., that it was to be to all people.
The message reads, "Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings, of GREAT JOY, which shall be to ALL PEOPLE." It will be observed that the blessedness of these tidings is cumulative: first it is "good tidings;" then it is "great joy;" and then the crowning feature of it is that it is "to all people"--not only to you shepherds who are this night looking for the hope of Israel, but for all your friends and relations and neighbors far and near; and to all their friends and relatives and neighbors, both to those who now live and to those who shall live, as well as to all those who slumber in death.
Blessed tidings! Hearken to the gladsome sound: "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord." (Verse 11.) Then he was to be a savior to all people: so the Scriptures clearly affirm, saying that, by the grace of God, he tasted death for every man, and that he gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time-- to all. (Heb. 2:9; 1 Tim. 2:6.) The testimony, however, is quite as necessary to the salvation of the sinner as the fact that Christ gave himself a ransom for all. The favor of salvation will not be forced upon any; but the testimony that it has been provided for every man, on condition of his acceptance of the favor upon God's terms, is to be given to every man, for his acceptance or rejection. And though millions of the race for whom Christ died have gone down to the grave without such testimony, still the fact remains that the testimony shall be given in due time--which due time, to all such, must be after their awakening from death.
And to this agree the words of the Lord: "The hour is coming in which all that are in their graves shall hear the voice of the Son of man and shall come forth; they that have done good [who during the present life have come into judgment and who have passed their trial successfully], unto the resurrection of life [the full reward of the faithful. Such will be the overcoming Church]: and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of judgment." (John 5:25-29.) That is, the latter class will come forth from the grave to have the truth testified to them then, for their acceptance or rejection; and their final judgment of worthiness or unworthiness of life will be based upon their course under trial after the truth has been testified to them--in the Millennial age. Thus the angel of the Lord preached the good tidings of the restitution of all things to the shepherds on the plain of Bethlehem.
VERSE 12. Then they told where and how they should find this bud of promise, so that when they would see him they might feel doubly assured that this was he.
VERSES 13,14. "Then suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." This shows how the angels of God are interested in the affairs of men, and how they sympathize with us and rejoice over our prosperity. And this reminds us of other statements to the effect that there is joy in heaven among the angels over one sinner that repenteth (Luke 15:7); and again that they are earnest students of the plan for human salvation; and that they are all ministering spirits sent forth to minister to them who shall be heirs of salvation. (1 Pet. 1:12; Heb. 1:14.) [R1478 : page 366] Thus we see them to be creatures of God full of loving benevolence even toward a fallen race, and esteeming it a privilege to serve the heirs [R1479 : page 366] of this salvation, although they know, as they studiously look into God's plan, that some of this fallen race are by and by to be highly exalted, even above the angels who never sinned.
Thus we see their humble recognition of the right of the Creator to do what he will with his own, and their cheerful and joyful acquiescence in his perfect will, which they know to be determined by his unerring wisdom and his fathomless love. Oh! what universal joy will prevail when the whole family of God in heaven and in earth is brought into fullest harmony under the headship of Jehovah's Anointed.
VERSES 15,18show the teachable attitude of the shepherds: they recognized the angels and their message as from the Lord, and, their fears being allayed, their hopes revived and their faith increased, and they felt that they must go at once and see this which had come to pass. And when they had so determined, a strange star (evidently a meteor, as it could not have been a fixed star) appeared, moving in the direction which the angel had told them to go; and they followed the star until they reached Bethlehem, when it stood still over the place where the young child was. And when they saw him they worshiped him and presented to him gold and frankincense and myrrh, recognizing in him the long-promised Messiah. And being warned of God in a dream, they disregarded the request of Herod to inform him of the whereabouts of the new-born king, and so departed into their own country another way. But as they went they published abroad the good tidings which the angels had brought to them, and how they had actually seen him of whom the prophets testified.
VERSE 19. "But Mary [mother-like] kept all these things and pondered them in her heart," doubtless calling to mind also the message of the angel to her. (Luke 1:28-35.) Again and again we seem to hear her say, "My soul doth magnify the Lord;...for he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: ...he that is mighty hath done to me great things, and holy is his name."--Luke 1:46-49.
VERSE 20. The shepherds returned to their flocks, fully assured of the wonderful truth that the promised seed of the woman who was to bruise the serpent's head had really come. And they rejoiced and glorified God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as they were told unto them.
[page 370]
N.B.--Those of the interested, who by reason of old age or accidents, or other adversity, are unable to pay, will be supplied FREE, if they will send a Postal Card each December, stating their case and requesting the paper.
It has been decided that hereafter only one tract subscription shall be included in a TOWER subscription, but that all who are thus subscribers to ZION'S WATCH TOWER and The Old Theology Quarterly may order as many tracts free as they can use judiciously--except those in booklet form, leatherette bound, viz., Nos. 8, 11 and 16.
So, then, order all that you can use judiciously of the following:--
No. 1. Do the Scriptures Teach that Eternal Torment is the Wages of Sin?
No. 2. Calamities--Why God Permits Them.
No. 3. Protestants, Awake! How Priestcraft now Operates.
No. 4. Dr. Talmage's View of the Millennium --with comments.
No. 5. Bible Study and Students' Helps.
No. 6. The Hope of the Groaning Creation.
No. 7. The Wonderful Story.
No. 9. Swedish translation of No. 1.
No. 10. A Broad Basis for Christian Union.
No. 12. The Divine Plan.
No. 13. Norwegian translation of No. 1.
No. 14. A Dark Cloud and its Silver Lining. Arp's Comments on MILLENNIAL DAWN.
No. 15. Thy Word is Truth. A Reply to Robert Ingersoll.
"THE WONDERFUL STORY."--Poem, 156 verses. --The Gospel in verse.--Fifteen outline illustrations. --Leatherette binding.--Choice for children; interesting also to the matured.
--104 pages.--Leatherette binding. --Just the thing for matured Christians-- "Meat in due season." "THY Word IS TRUTH."--An answer to Robert Ingersoll's Charges against Christianity.-- Just the thing for Infidels and for skeptically inclined Christians.These booklets sell at the hands of Colporteurs, the three for fifty cents, delivered. We supply them to TOWER readers at ten cents each; and to them or other Colporteurs at seventy-five cents per dozen--post-paid. To obtain the Colporteur rates, order not less than a half-dozen of any one kind of the booklets. We have them put up in packs of six and twelve --each kind separately.
So far as possible we prefer to have subscriptions date from January each year; but where this is not convenient we are pleased to have it otherwise. Those who cannot pay now, but who expect to do so later, and who desire that their papers continue uninterruptedly, will please drop a card saying so. Each can see just how his account stands by examining the date on the address label of his last paper. These we will correct every month hereafter.
Those who from age, accident or other misfortune are unable to afford to subscribe are still welcome to receive the WATCH TOWER free as "The Lord's Poor," if they describe themselves and make the request yearly. (Such are marked with a sign--thus: +--on the address label.) This offer is not meant for those whose inability to pay arises from the spending of a larger sum for tobacco, etc.; but all who are really of the class described are as welcome to the TOWER regularly as though they paid for it.
But it is not too much to ask such to renew their request each year on a postal card. If you have once described your case and are marked (thus: +) on your label you need not explain again; for we understand that your circumstances are still the same. Such may simply say, "Please renew my subscription as heretofore," and we shall understand them. But others not so marked (+) should explain, for we have not understood them heretofore.
Again, let us request that all the "Lord's Poor" renewals come in promptly before January '93. Those who asked the TOWER free during other months get it only until December '92 unless they now, in December, ask its renewal. "Ask and ye shall receive" is God's method--which we adopt.
r1480 VOL. XIII. DECEMBER 15, 1892. NO. 24.====================
[page 379]
I. QUAR., LESSON 1., JAN. 1, EZRA 1:1-11.
Golden Text--"The Lord thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee."--Deut. 30:3.
The events of this lesson are located at the close of the seventy years desolation of the land of Israel and of the captivity of the people of Israel in Babylon. The cause of this long exile and this utter desolation of their land is stated to be their failure to let their land enjoy its sabbaths (2 Chron. 36:21), according to the command of the Lord, who, by this typical observance of sabbath or jubilee years, purposed to prefigure the blessed Times of Restitution, in which time the continually recurring cycles were ultimately to terminate. But though the people were negligent of the command of the Lord, and only partially observed this requirement, God did not permit their indifference to mar his typical prophecy, but turned even this circumstance to account in making the prediction still more emphatic by showing the exact number of typical jubilees which culminated in the grand antitype or "times of restitution of all things," and thus pointing out the exact date, both of the times of restitution and also of the Lord's second advent, which is due at that time. (Acts 3:19-21.) See MILLENNIAL DAWN, Vol. II., Chapter vi., also Lesson X. in our issue of Feb. 15th.)
And not only had Israel neglected to observe properly the typical Jubilees, but they had lapsed into idolatry and had polluted the house of the Lord, and they had mocked his messengers and despised his words and misused his prophets until the wrath of the Lord rose against them with the sword and with captivity and with the destruction of their temple and with the utter desolation of their land for seventy years. See 2 Chron. 36:14-21.
But when God had served his purpose of chastising Israel and of completing his typical prophecy--when the three score and ten years of desolation of the land, in which the land had enjoyed her sabbaths, had expired, the return of the captives was due. The great clock of ages pointed to the time for the return of the exiles, and, like every other feature of God's plan, the deliverance of Israel from Babylon was promptly on time, and the agent for the accomplishment of their deliverance was on the spot. God had him marked out by the Prophet Isaiah for this very purpose, calling him by name and specifying the work he was to do. See Isa. 44:24,28; 45:1-6.
It is pleasing also to note that in the land of their captivity Israel (with some exceptions) [R1483 : page 380] were reclaimed from idolatry so thoroughly as never to return to it again; and then, without the temple and its services, they learned to appreciate what was left to them still--the Word of God and the teaching and counsel of some of the faithful ones among them, such as Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah; and thus for a time the forms of worship gave place to a more real heart-worship of the one true God; and they were led to a fuller appreciation of the privileges they had enjoyed, as manifested in Psalm 137.
When Israel was restored, however, it was not as masters of the land, but as servants of Cyrus and his successors; for, according to the words of the Prophet Ezekiel (21:25-27), they were never again to possess the land as an independent nation until he should come whose right it is to rule--even their long-promised Messiah. The reference here is evidently to the Lord's second advent; for at his first advent he did not come to rule, nor did they at that time, nor ever since, gain full possession of their land. They were always tributary to other nations until they were finally--A.D. 70 --dispersed among all the nations; and so they have continued until the present time, when, the time having come, their regathering has begun.
The "golden text" of this lesson has reference, not to the return of Israel from this captivity in Babylon, nor from any of the minor captivities, but to the great regathering from among all the nations whither the Lord had scattered them. (See Deut. 30:3-5; also Jer. 32:37-42.) This is a deliverance which will need no repetition; for they shall be firmly planted and established in their everlasting possession. (See Jer. 24:6,7; 31:28.) This deliverance is already beginning and shall be fully accomplished by the close of "The Times of the Gentiles." See MILLENNIAL DAWN, Vol. III., Chapter viii.
The story of the deliverance of Israel from the captivity in Babylon is not only a historic fact, but it has also its typical aspect. The captivity of Israel after the flesh in literal Babylon represented the subsequent captivity of spiritual Israel in "Babylon the Great"--the great Antichristian nominal church; and the deliverance of fleshly Israel by Cyrus, whose name signifies sun or brightness, represents the deliverance of spiritual Israel out of "Babylon the Great" by the bright shining of the Sun of Righteousness.
And as Cyrus commanded the faithful people
in Israel to return to the land of promise
and to rebuild the waste places and to take
possession of and replace in the temple the
golden and silver vessels which the king of
Babylon had profaned (Dan. 5:1-4), so the
light from the rising Sun of Righteousness now
indicates to the faithful children of God who
are still in "Babylon," the great nominal
church, the duty and privilege of returning to
the blessed inheritance of the saints--the exceeding
great and precious privileges of the
sons and heirs of God--and of replacing in his
spiritual temple, which is the true Church, all
the golden and silver vessels--the divine and
the natural truths or doctrines--so long perverted
in "Babylon" during the dark ages of
bondage and superstition. As to the progress
of this work, see MILLENNIAL DAWN, Vol. III.,
Chapter iv.
[R1484 : page 380]
I. QUAR., LESSON II., JAN. 8, EZRA 3:1-13.
Golden Text--"They praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid."--Ezra 3:11.
The narratives of the building and the rebuilding of the temple, as mere matters of history, would be of little importance or interest to us were it not also for the fact of its typical character. Viewing it thus, there is still in the history of that temple and in its prophetic teachings that which should enkindle in our hearts greater enthusiasm, zeal and joy than was ever expressed by those who saw its material glory.
In the light of the teachings of the apostles we see that the antitype of that temple was the one true Church of the living God, whose names are written in heaven (1 Cor. 3:16,17; Luke 10:20)--that it is a spiritual temple built up with living stones, of which Jesus Christ is himself the chief corner stone, the sure foundation. He became the foundation of this spiritual house when he gave his life a ransom for many, and thus made possible the building up of other living stones upon this foundation until the wonderful structure shall reach its glorious completeness.--1 Pet. 2:4-7.
When this foundation of the spiritual temple was laid, all who came to a realization of the importance of the great work thereby accomplished rejoiced and praised the Lord. And this rejoicing in the strength and security of the foundation of our hopes never ceases. Praise the Lord! wells up from every heart that realizes the redemption accomplished by the precious blood of Christ, shed for many for the remission of sins. Upon this sure foundation the temple structure has been gradually and steadily progressing. The living stones are taken out of the quarry (the world), and, by the experiences and discipline of the present life, they are shaped and chiseled and polished [R1484 : page 381] and thus fitted for their places in the temple which, during the time of the presence of the Lord--viz., since 1878, when he took his great power as king--is being noiselessly put together, as in the type, without the sound of a hammer--by the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the change of the living in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye; for "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth [from 1878];...they rest from their labors [from the toil and weariness of labor], but their works follow with them." They shall not sleep, but they shall be changed instantaneously from the human to a glorious spiritual body.--Rev. 14:13; 1 Cor. 15:51,52.
But, while the Church glorified with Christ the Head will be the temple complete and glorious, it is in a less complete sense regarded as the temple of God now, and the various members as its builders, all having something to do in building each other up in the most holy faith, and thus contributing to the structure of the temple or Church as a whole. This work of building up the Church is very clearly set forth in the building of the typical temple; and the rebuilding of the temple after the captivity in Babylon is very suggestive of the rebuilding of the Church after the long captivity in Babylon the Great--which is generally known as the Great Reformation. And truly there has been a great Re-formation of the Church since the dark ages of bondage under the papal yoke.
The work of re-formation has gone steadily forward and, like that of the typical temple, in the midst of great opposition. (See Ezra 4:11-24; 5:3-5; Neh. 4:7-23, and compare MILLENNIAL DAWN, Vol. II., Chapter ix, and Vol. III., Chapter iv.) From the multitudes who had been enslaved under the papal rule some of the living stones of the true temple were gathered out and the work of setting them in order for the rebuilding of the New Jerusalem and its temple began. History records the opposition which these re-formers or builders, encountered; and truly, as in the type, "the builders, every one had his sword [the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God] girded by his side, and so builded." (Neh. 4:18.) Nor may this attitude ever be relinquished until the work is all complete and the glory of the Lord has filled his temple. The enemies of the Lord's people and the Lord's work are always active in opposition, and none the less so when their methods are subtle and their course not easily discernible. Hence the necessity for continued vigilance against every encroachment of the adversary, whether he come as a roaring lion or as a wily serpent.
To all who are laboring in the great work of
building up the true temple and city of God,
the success of Ezra and Nehemiah and their
co-workers should be regarded as an encouraging
prediction of the final completeness and
glory of the Church built upon the one true
and only foundation, Jesus Christ our Redeemer
and Lord.--1 Cor. 3:11.
[R1484 : page 381]
Golden Text--"Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build it."--Psa. 127:1.
Again we are led to view the rebuilding of the temple in its typical character. In our previous lesson we saw that the foundation was re-laid amidst great rejoicing, and that then, on account of the opposition of their enemies, the work was for a long while abandoned. Having been thus hindered in the great work, Israel gradually became indifferent and indisposed to encounter again the difficulties necessary to its further prosecution, and became more and more engrossed with their own affairs, leaving the house of the Lord still in ruins.
As a consequence of this growing indifference to the house of the Lord, God's favor was measurably withdrawn from Israel and they were visited with drought and threatened with famine. Then came a message of reproof from the Lord to them, chiding them for neglecting the important work of rebuilding the temple and giving themselves up to their own pursuits. (Hag. 1:1-11.) When the Lord thus stirred them up to a sense of duty and privilege in the matter, the people and their leaders obeyed his voice and again began to build, and the Lord encouraged and helped them.--Hag. 1:12-15.
In all this what a vivid type we have of the great reformation work which began in the sixteenth century with the preaching of Luther and his contemporaries, briefly noted in the preceding lesson. We call to mind that the one great work accomplished at that time was the laying again of the foundation doctrine of "justification by faith" in the one "continual" sacrifice of Christ, in contradistinction to the papal dogma of "the mass," which had set aside the "continual." (Dan. 11:31.) Thus again Christ Jesus became the recognized foundation of his temple, which is the Church. This done, there was great rejoicing among those interested and engaged in the work. While the re-laying of the foundation progressed the builders were greatly opposed, so that they were obliged to keep themselves continually armed with the sword of the Spirit against their enemies. But, as in the type, [R1484 : page 382] when the foundation was laid they began to grow weary in well-doing and weary of contending against opposition, and so, with a few exceptions, abandoned the work, and spiritual drought and famine followed. Protestantism ceased to be a protest against the iniquitous system that gave it birth, and for a time made no further progress beyond the re-laying of the foundation of the temple of God.
But by and by the message of the Lord was impressed upon some faithful souls, who still longed to see the completion of the temple of God, to arise again and build, to clear away the rubbish of false doctrine and establish the faith of the Church in the truth--that they might be living representatives of the truth, not error, and thus be recognized of God as living stones in his temple. Since the re-awakening the work has been going forward (See MILLENNIAL DAWN, Vol. III., Chapter iv.); and the Word of the Lord to all the workers is the encouraging promise that, when it is completed, it shall be filled with glory.--Hag. 2:7.
And not only so, but it is also written that "The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of hosts." (Hag. 2:9.) That this was not said with reference to the temple of Zerubbabel, which did not excel nor equal the former temple, is manifest, and therefore the expression must be regarded as a prophecy of the glory of the antitypical temple of God--the glorified Church.
Let those, therefore, who are zealously engaged in the work of the Lord--in building up the Church, the temple of God, in the most holy faith--hear the Word of the Lord by the Prophet Haggai (2:4-9).
VERSE 4. "Be strong, and work, for I am with you, saith the Lord of hosts."
VERSE 5. "My spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not."
VERSES 6,7remind us of the similar promise of Malachi 3:1. "Behold, the Lord shall suddenly come to his temple," his Church; and it is his glory that shall fill it--the glory of his presence, his power, his righteousness and his authority; and the whole Church shall be imbued with the same, as his worthy joint-heirs in the kingdom. And when the Lord thus comes to his temple the whole earth will see his glory --will recognize his authority and power. And when he is thus recognized and the blessings of his kingdom begin to be experienced, he will indeed be, as the Prophet expressed it, "The Desire of all nations;" for it is also written that he is the "Prince of peace" and that he will speak peace unto the nations" (Hag. 2:9; Zech. 9:10), and that "In this place [by means of his temple] will I give peace, saith the Lord of hosts."
The shaking of all nations--the heavens [the present ecclesiastical powers] and the earth [the whole civil organization of human society], the sea [the lawless elements] and the dry land [the more settled and law-abiding of mankind] --reminds us also of the expression of Malachi (1:2), "Who may abide the day of his coming?" and of the predicted judgments of verse 5against all evil-doers; as well as the explanation of the Apostle Paul (Heb. 12:26,27) that "This word, 'Yet once more' signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken,... that those things which cannot be shaken may remain."
Praise the Lord! the things that are to be removed are the unsatisfactory things of the present order, and that which is to remain is the Kingdom of righteousness and peace, under Christ the Prince of peace, whose glorious reign when fully inaugurated and manifested will indeed be "the desire of all nations."
According to a recent issue of the Missionary Review, the native Presbyterian Christians in Japan have taken the matter of creed revision into their own hands. The synod of the Church of Christ in Japan, composed of the various Presbyterian bodies, has refused to adopt the Westminster Confession of Faith, or any other similar doctrine. They have fallen back upon the Apostles' Creed:
"In the Confession of Faith will be observed a significant silence upon the subject of retribution and of the future state. It reads thus: 'The Lord Jesus Christ, whom we worship as God, the only begotten Son of God, for us men and for our salvation was made man and suffered. He offered up a perfect sacrifice for sin; and all who are one with him by faith are pardoned and accounted righteous, and faith in him working by love purifies the heart.
"'The Holy Ghost, who, with the Father and the Son, is worshiped and glorified, reveals Jesus Christ to the soul, and without his grace, man, being dead in sins, cannot enter the kingdom of God. By him the prophets and the apostles and holy men of old were inspired, and he, speaking in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the supreme and infallible judge in all things pertaining unto faith and living.
"'From these Holy Scriptures the ancient Church of Christ drew its Confession; and we, holding the faith once delivered to the saints, join in that Confession with praise and thanksgiving.'"
[page 383]
VOL. XIII., 1892.
Vol. II. in German, DAWN agency in London, etc.,........Page 2
View from the TOWER, Home and Foreign Missions.............. 3
Poem--"The Voice is Nigh Thee."............................. 10
The Evil which God Creates.................................. 10
Bible Study: The King and the Kingdom....................... 13
" " A Song of Triumph.............................. 15
Thanks! to Subscribers...................................... 18
View from the TOWER, Things to Come......................... 19
Poem--"The Reformer."....................................... 26
Bible Study: Overcome with Wine............................. 27
" " Hezekiah's Prayer.............................. 29
" " Who Hath Believed Our Report?.................. 30
Special Items: "Good Hopes," Reading for Friends............ 34
Until the Lord Come......................................... 35
Presbyterian Revision of Faith.............................. 38
Poem--"The Present and the Future."......................... 39
An Ancient and Interesting Document......................... 41
The Resurrection of Damnation............................... 42
Bible Study: The Gracious Call.............................. 43
" " The New Covenant............................... 45
Encouraging Words from Earnest Workers...................... 47
Special Items: Harvest Laborers--Pray for them.............. 50
An Ancient and Interesting Document (Concluded)............. 51
Philanthropic Versus Humanitarian........................... 53
Poem--"In the Wine-Press Alone."............................ 54
Views Abroad................................................ 54
Bible Study: Jehoiakim's Wickedness......................... 59
" " Jeremiah Persecuted............................ 60
" " The Downfall of Judah.......................... 60
" " Promise of a New Heart......................... 62
Special Items: Germany, Annual Gathering, etc............... 66
The Doctrinal Test in Methodism............................. 67
Baron Rothschild Purchasing Land in Palestine............... 68
Poem--"Peace Be Upon Thee."................................. 69
In Due Time................................................. 69
Views Abroad................................................ 70
Bible Study: Quarterly Review............................... 75
" " Comfort Ye My People........................... 76
Encouraging Words from Earnest Workers...................... 78
Travels in the Holy Land.................................... 83
Believers' Convention....................................... 86
The Memorial Supper......................................... 87
Poem--"He Careth for You.".................................. 89
The Deliverance............................................. 89
Bible Study: The Way of the Righteous....................... 90
" " The King of Zion............................... 91
Encouraging Words from Earnest Workers...................... 93
Book Notices..............................................95-96
Special Items: Palestine Mementoes, Memorial, etc........... 98
The Bride, the Lamb's Wife.................................. 99
Travels in the Holy Land....................................107
Bible Study: God's Works and Word...........................110
Special Items: Bible-Study Convention, Remittances..........114
Was It not Necessary?.......................................115
The Methodist Revolt........................................118
Travels in the Holy Land....................................119
We have no King but Caesar..................................122
Bible Study: The Lord My Shepherd...........................123
" " The Prayer of the Penitent.....................123
Encouraging Words from Earnest Workers......................125
MAY 1.
Special Items: The Syriac New Testament, etc................130
Echoes from the Believers' Convention.......................131
Who is Worthy?..............................................134
Travels in the Holy Land....................................137
Preparing for the Image of the Beast........................140
Bible Study: Our House of Many Mansions.....................142
" " Praise Ye the Lord.............................143
" " Quarterly Temperance Lesson....................144
Consecration to a Work......................................144
MAY 15.
Providing for Colporteurs' Expenses.........................146
The Glory that Excelleth....................................147
Journalistic Responsibility.................................150
Poem--"O! the Depth of Divine Wisdom!"......................151
The Epistle of James........................................151
Jewish Items of Interest....................................155
To Whom Should We Pray?.....................................156
Bible Study: Nebuchadnezzar's Dream.........................158
" " The Fiery Furnace..............................158
" " The Den of Lions...............................160
" " Quarterly Review...............................160
JUNE 1-15.
Providing for Colporteurs' Expenses.........................162
To Us there is One God......................................163
Bible Study: Messiah's Reign................................189
" " Our Lord's Ascension...........................190
" " The Spirit of Adoption Shed Forth..............192
Items: More Laborers, Our Booklets, Foreign Tracts..........194
Pulpit Infidelity of To-day.................................195
Bible Study: The Early Church...............................205
" " The Lame Man Healed............................207
JULY 15.
Providing for Colporteurs' Expenses.........................210
View from the TOWER, The Homestead Strike...................211
Poem--"The Faithful Servant."...............................214
Bible Study: Peter and John Before the Council..............215
" " The Apostles' Confidence in God................216
" " Ananias and Sapphira...........................218
" " The Apostles Persecuted........................218
Out of Darkness into His Marvelous Light (Letters.).........219
Glean Carefully. Yet There is Room.........................226
Under His Wings.............................................227
The Royal Priesthood........................................230
Bible Study: The First Christian Martyrs....................234
" " Philip Preaching at Samaria....................234
Encouraging Words from Earnest Workers......................237
Book Notices................................................240
Young's Concordance in Great Britain--also Index............242
Enoch, Elijah and the Sentence..............................243
One Hope....................................................245
Universal Salvation (I).....................................250
All in Adam and All in Christ...............................252
Bible Study: Philip and the Ethiopian.......................253
" " Quarterly Review...............................254
Only One Christ in History..................................254
Encouraging Words from Earnest Workers......................255
Faith and Works.............................................258
View, Behold, I stand at the Door and Knock.................259
They shall be Mine..........................................260
Poem--"God's Burdens."......................................263
Universal Salvation (II)....................................263
Faith and Feeling...........................................267
Bible Study: Temperance Lesson..............................268
" " Saul of Tarsus Converted.......................269
A Word to Colporteurs.......................................270
Out of Darkness into His Marvelous Light (Letters.).........271
Encouraging Words from Earnest Workers......................273
View from TOWER, Seventh-Day Adventists' Fears..............275
Moses and Elias.............................................280
Who is Wise among You?......................................281
Future Probation for the Dead...............................282
Bible Study: Dorcas Raised to Life..........................285
" " Salvation Reaches the Gentiles.................287
Poem--"Perfect through Suffering."..........................288
Immigration of Jews.........................................290
Other Laborers Wanted.......................................290
View from the TOWER, Zeal according to Knowledge............291
Pay Thy Vows unto the Most High.............................294
Universal Salvation (III)...................................296
The Thief in Paradise.......................................299
Bible Study: The Gospel at Antioch..........................300
" " Peter's Deliverance............................301
Colporteurs' Weekly Reports.................................301
Encouraging Words from Earnest Workers......................302
The Newberry Bible, Index, and Syriac Testament.............306
The Nature and Methods of God's Elections...................307
The Prodigal's Return.......................................313
Poem--"Prodigal, Return!"...................................315
Grow in Grace...............................................315
Bible Study: The First Christian Missionaries...............318
Out of Darkness into His Marvelous Light (Letters.).........319
Items: Brother Mitchell's Free Circular and others..........322
The Law of God..............................................323
Palestine and the Jews......................................328
Poem--"Father, Glorify Thy Name."...........................330
Christian Fellowship........................................330
Bible Study: Paul's First Missionary Sermon.................332
" " The Apostles Turning to the Gentiles...........334
Encouraging Words from Earnest Workers......................335
Meetings in New York. Protestants no Longer................338
Purgatory: Is It a Romish, a Prot. or a Bible Doctrine?.....339
Bear Ye One Another's Burdens...............................345
A Mighty Force..............................................347
Poem--"As the Father Loveth Me."............................348
Bible Study: Work among the Gentiles........................348
Out of Darkness into His Marvelous Light (Letters.).........351
Special Items: Binders, "Good Hopes" successful.............354
View, Preparing to Give Life to the Image...................355
Thou Preparest a Table before Me. (Psalm 23.)...............358
What a Disturbance May Do...................................359
Consequents of Divine Judgment..............................360
Bible Study: The Birth of Christ............................365
Encouraging Words from Earnest Workers......................366
Old Theology Tracts, Our Booklets, TOWER for 1893...........370
His Way is Perfect..........................................371
Faith Versus Superstition...................................373
Obedience Better than Sacrifice.............................375
Bible Study: Returning from Captivity.......................379
" " Rebuilding the Temple..........................380
" " Encouraging the People.........................381
Creed-Making in Japan.......................................382
Supplement of four pages added, mentions New Bibles, Bible-Study Helps, Motto Cards and Good Hopes for 1893.