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The evening oration, the reading of Brother Russell's sermon which he himself had prepared to deliver in the Temple that evening, and the sweet strains of several hymns were still fresh in the minds of the vast audience when the pall-bearers carried forth from The Temple the casket containing the remains of our dear Brother Russell. Accompanying the body to Pittsburgh were two Pullman cars loaded with devoted and faithful friends, who were met by hundreds of loved ones at that place.

The large auditorium of the Carnegie Library in Allegheny was packed at two o'clock the following afternoon, when the fourth part of the funeral services began under the direction of Dr. W.E. Spill, representing the Pittsburgh congregation. Love and deep interest were written upon every face in this vast audience also. Every available space on the platform was used to display the rich floral offerings of every description sent by Bible Students and friends from various sections of the country.

The blending of the voices composing the double quartette in their rendition of sweet Christian hymns was the means of conveying blessings of comfort and encouragement to many sorrowing hearts. After the reading of the Holy Scriptures by Brother R.E. Bricker, also of the Pittsburgh Ecclesia, Dr. W.E. Spill delivered an address. He was followed by Brother Sturgeon, after which, while the congregation was taking its final view of the face of that noble Christian lying before them, the choir sang the last song given out by Brother Russell during his recent visit to Los Angeles:

"Abide sweet Spirit, Heavenly Dove,
With light and comfort from Above;
Be Thou our Guardian, Thou our Guide,
O'er every thought and step preside."

The funeral cortege consisted of 101 automobiles and a train of several trolley cars. The beautiful Rosemont Cemetery was reached at dusk, where a company of five hundred friends were gathered on the hillside to witness the last sad rites in connection with the placing of our loved one in the grave. An avenue lined with flowers was formed, through which came the mourners with bared heads, bearing solemnly the casket containing the remains of our Pastor. The walls of the grave were lined with ferns and white chrysanthemums. At the foot of the grave was a floral design inlaid with colors of gold, which silently expressed the belief that the victorious Christian soldier, whose body lay before us, had gone home, and was now a partaker of the Divine nature.

While the bier rested upon the supports over the open grave, prayer was offered, and the casket was lowered to its last resting place, during which the choir impressively sang the beautiful words of Hymn No. 98.

It was fitting that while our Beloved had gone to be forever with the Lord and like Him, his remains should rest near the scenes of his earlier days, where the Harvest work began, and where the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES, which contributed much to his fame, were written and first circulated.
