Land of the pharaohs, gift of the Nile, ancient Egypt has fascinated people from all walks of life. From the discovery of the Rossetta Stone to the uncovering of the treasures of King Tut-ankh-amen, some of the richest archaeological finds of our modern era have been provided by ancient Egypt. Through these findings we catch a glimpse of those ancients, the way they lived, their culture, their religion, and even the way they died. They left behind countless monuments, memorializing themselves, their gods and their knowledge. But there stands one monument in Egypt which testifies of a far superior knowledge than any other monument of ancient Egypt. In fact, the knowledge displayed in the design of this edifice surpasses the capability of anyone known in ancient Egypt.

Of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the Great Pyramid is the only remaining one. It captures the curiosity and imagination of many scientific and religious disciplines. For over four millenia it has been standing on the Giza Plateau, silently embracing its mysteries.

It stands alone and unique, apart from all other pyramids in the world. It has been named the Great Pyramid because its superior workmanship is above and beyond any other pyramid. When completed, the Great Pyramid was 454 feet tall, 760 feet long at each base, covering an area of more than 13 acres of land. The Great Pyramid contains more masonry than all the cathedrals, churches and chapels built in England since the time of Christ.

The original outer casing stones were white limestone blocks polished and fitted to an angle of 51° 51'. Though most of these are missing today, the matchless workmanship displayed in the few remaining casing stones impresses even a casual observer. These blocks each average a massive sixteen tons. The fine joints are no thicker than a piece of paper; included in each is a fine film of cement. In its original glory the Great Pyramid must have looked like a star on the edge of the desert when reflecting the sun's rays. The ancient Strabo said it was 'like a building let down from heaven, untouched by human hands.'

The original entrance to the passage system is on the 17th course of masonry. The Caliph Al Mamoun forced his way in on the 7th course in AD 820.

The passage system of the Great Pyramid is uncommonly diversified. It is the only one of many pyramids on the Giza Plateau that contains ascending passages, chambers above ground, air channels in the upper chambers, a plugged passageway, a pit and a grotto. Trial passages still remain intact in the plateau off the east side of the pyramid, where workers practiced the passage design before building it into the Great Pyramid.

From the top of the Great Pyramid, the view is magnificent. On a clear day one can see northward into the Nile Delta, eastward to Cairo, southward up the Nile to other smaller pyramids and westward over the Sahara Desert.

This ancient wonder has survived for over 4000 years. Over a million and a half sunrises have cast its shadow on the Giza Plateau. It has survived wars, earthquakes, civilizations, conquerors, storms, and even pillagers who stripped it of its outer casing.

In our world of change, governments rise and fall, methods and machinery become obsolete, and buildings are erected only to be torn down for the new. However, the Great Pyramid, completed more than 2000 years before Christ, promises to remain for many centuries to come. Thus, this timeless monument, by its very nature, poses an enigma to us.

Many have studied the mysteries of the Great Pyramid. Many theories have been offered to explain its purpose. They assert its use as a tomb, a landing pad for space ships, an observatory, a temple of initiation, a refuge from a flood, a standard measure of corn, a memorial to the Martians who supposedly built it, etc. The overwhelming majority of evidence supports the conclusion that the Creator was the architect of the Great Pyramid and in its design. He displayed His ultimate plan for mankind.

This booklet will examine some of the evidence which demands a verdict.

Go to Chapter 1